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Anything fighting games can go here.
Going to post here whenever I'm up for some games, feel free do to the same if you want.


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Games I can play, old melty and soku are in this list as well.


up for some games


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I... I can't play these. I mean, I can, but I'm so terrible at them. SF2 on Super Nintendo or something, yeah, 3 special moves per character instead of 30 pages of triple reversal combo breaking xxxtreme counters to use in specific situations against specific characters.
There's definitely fighting game people here, but I am destined to be a spectator unless there are other 'special' people here


I think the biggest problem with these games is the skill gap between people.

MoyaiSubs thinks he sucks and OP is probably pretty good. So how do two people of different skill have fun?


As long as you're not getting completely mauled you can have plenty of fun. Most of my games to date were against better opponents, sometimes way better.
If the disparity is too big you can always play a short set and ask for advice after, I feel like it's more about the amount of sessions rather than pure playtime when it comes to fighting games. You play some and it gives you something to think about after, even if you don't think about it actively usually you take away something.
Also the better player can always pick a character they haven't played much to close the gap.


playing some mbtl, room name is 123
if you either don't see it or have 0bar connection post here and I'll do something about it (it's still worth trying a 0 bar connection I just don't feel like doing it with randoms)
otherwise, anyone welcome
can also play a different game, I'm fine with anything really


done for today


back again >>118569


Are any of these games less complicated than the others? Like, what's closest to just having a dozen of special moves instead of a bunch of crazy combos and reversals and stuff? The most complicated game I played and enjoyed was uhh.. Street Fighter Alpha... 3? I can't remember the number.


For someone who never or barely played any fighting games they won't be too different in terms of difficulty I feel like. They share the basics and that's what you don't know and will learn first. It's pretty hard to sort them but I'll try, from easiest to hardest whatever that means.
Granblue would be the easiest (has a free version too but only 4 characters).
Samsho is pretty different from others as you barely do any combos in it (can play for free on fightcade).
Umineko/idol showdown/soku I'm not too familiar with, first two didn't seem all that hard though. Soku was fun but I didn't play enough.
UNI, both guilty gears, both meltys and blazblue are pretty regular for anime fighters. For a beginner I don't think there will be too much of a difference other than older engines feeling clunkier, blazblue is quite combo heavy too.
Skullgirls also shouldn't be too hard for a beginner but the game becomes brutal as you play against better players (game's reset heavy, you drop your combo intentionally into mixup into another combo).

Amount of special moves is pretty standard across all games, dozen being on the higher end. Combos are a part of all anime fighters (samsho isn't anime I suppose) although execution difficulty varies.

If you have any interest at all trying out a simpler game to see if you enjoy the genre is a good enough plan I'd say.


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There are a lot of underrated fighting games that are simple but the problem is finding people to play them with.
They all share the same basics except for the specific mechanics that make them unique, anime fighters are also called Airdashers because that's what makes them different for example. So if you learn how to play one, you won't have difficulty picking up others depending on how much harder their execution is compared to the game you're coming from.
I think the real filter is execution, not the mechanics each game has. For example, anyone can pick up SF6 using Modern controls and learn all the mechanics and simple combos playing the tutorial. That'd be easier than trying to learn 3rd strike with its strict input system and parries that create a big skill gap between players who know how to use them well (and execute them) and those who don't, even if it has fewer mechanics.

I'm not a fan of FGs that try to dumb down mechanics to make them accessible because they miss what is fun about them imo, I prefer the ones that are made to be simple and not necessarily easy. The new Granblue anon listed above might be the best option for a fun and simple fighting game with a big enough playerbase to play online constantly, or you can play SF6 because the playerbase is so big you're going to find people near your skill level no matter what and is guaranteed to receive constant updates and stay ¨alive¨ in the future. I mention this because I have bad experiences sinking time learning FGs only for them to ¨die¨ 6 months after release. I can still find matches but I have to wait a lot or search for players online outside of the game. Sorry, I'm blogging

For other fun, simple fighting games like you asked I like Koihime Enbu, Akatsuki Blitzkampf and the browser based Tough Love Arena.
They are all easy to learn and master with low execution while still being fun. Tough Love Arena is ok-ish but anyone can play it right now.
All of them can work as an introduction to fighting games too. The Koihime publishers posted a video explaining the mechanics, it's all you need to start playing, really. If you search for tournaments on YT the gameplay looks similar to it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=20Dc-Cb2ATc
Just remember you might have a hard time finding players if you decide to buy it. Akatsuki is on fightcade, I think.
pic related is numpad notation because they got it wrong in the video



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I love playing Blazblue and any other game with a small loli.


wanna play?


sucks i wanna practice AC+R, but the rollback update broke it with smartsteamemu so i basically haven't touched it in years


I'd be up for gaming the new GBFVS sometime but I'm either asleep or working when everyone's on...


I play melty TL and I'm thinking about getting the new unist game but I'm not 100% sold on it.


Not a UNI player so take what I say with a grain of salt but general consensus seems to be that it's more or less the same at its core. Changes such as removal of VO strip and new mechanics are significant but if you liked/disliked the game for whatever reason, chances are those are still there. Rollback finally being implemented is a huge plus as well.


i need to learn how2combo..


Some games have a distinct combo structure that's mostly the same across cast, in granblue for example it's autocombo>ex special and you repeat that 3 times or so usually(in the corner). If you have meter you can use bp near the end into H into super(super gives you 1bp back).
Midscreen most characters have to use bp>bp to extend a combo, some can use U skills though.


Same. Learning it in training mode ain't even that bad, relatively speaking. Then a real match happens and all that practice goes down the drain.


Doing a combo in training vs real match was also pretty different for me when I started, it's becoming less and less so though, just a matter of getting used to it. A lot of things are happening in a match and most of them are going to be unfamiliar if you're a beginner which means you have to think about them and there's only so many things you can keep in mind. The number goes up with practice and you simply stop having to think about some things as you see them over and over.
As far as combos go it also has to do with awareness of when you get a hit (hit confirming). You can do something like LLL and during that confirm if they get hit or block, then do the appropriate special (either one that leads into a combo if you got a hit, or one that leaves you unpunishable/at a good spacing or better yet plus so you can keep pressing). You want to do something that lets you recognize a hit while you're doing it and then lets you act on it.


Assuming you're talking about Granblue here. Not to sound like I'm good cause I'm not but doing an acceptable combo for most situations in that game is decently within my capabilities. Granted playing Yuel means I'm in the fisher price kiddie pool with f.M and 236X.

Once I hop into games like OG Melty or +R though, even modern French Bread titles like UNI, my ability to hitconfirm drops off a cliff. The pace is just too fast for my smooth mind. And unlike Granblue, I can't just hop on quick match/ranked and grind it out since they're Discord fighters.


I like unist so hearing the new version will be mostly the same is a good thing especially since most fighting games only get worse and worse each installation. (guilty gear...) My main problem is that I have a hard time justifying paying full price for what is basically going to be a discord fighter at launch. There seems to be little to no interest in this game aside from the same couple people who have been playing for years.


In some ways, UNI got shafted harder than Granblue did, at least in the US. 2020 was the year for uni to put itself in the map but the pandemic + being the kind of game that turns to shit on delay based netplay really killed its momentum.

For the US in particular, UNI2 should get some traction as the French Bread replacement for TL but outside of that yeah, it's gonna be the same 100 people more or less. Unless you really like the game, it's hard to justify full price for it.


Well probably worse for UNI2 is that it releases a day before the new Tekken which will hog all the attention.


UNICLR also had the same issue. It released around the time vanilla GBVS came out if I remember correctly. The saving grace here is that the game has a dedicated enough playerbase to not be dead. I remember having roughly 600-700 ranked games in st over its lifespan so 2 probably won't be a Discord only game.


melty TL


Missed it, did you want to play? Pretty late for me now but I can do a quick ft10 if you're still here.


going to bed now but I'll be back tomorrow


up for some games


done for today


The Japanese are retarded and don't care. Sacchin chan is a ghoul. Not a Vampire. Ghouls eat flesh. Vampires don't.


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where is it


about 11 hours away, Jan 24th 2300h UTC
they messed up the timer on steam page


damn it really is going to be the same day as tekken huh


if anyone would like to play some xrd or +r let me know


bro its got melty blood characters in it.


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holy shit look


I'm a tuber this time


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now this is a loli cute enough to main


She's okay. Takes awhile to figure out how to use her (unless you're one of those kids that just copies what you see others doing I guess).

Maybe soon. I haven't played in several months and I'm rusty. I need to re-install this game on my new gaming PC. But last time I installed it on Linux I couldn't figure out how to get proton to load the .dlls for the improvement mod. Which sucks because I like playing custom modes online with other people.




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>Takes awhile to figure out how to use her
Yeah, especially when I just started trying to use a hitbox, it's supposedly better for charging but I need to get used to the timing of my presses instead of just flicking the stick and hitting press.


get a non-homo avatar if you want people to watch....




get an even more homo avatar if you want people to watch :3


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No idea how to remove clack clack with hardware change and I'm not going to narrate my thoughts to the audience either


then why stream




To respond to comments.


also you probably won't get the appeal if you're not the kind of person who reposts content from other places


chicken and egg situation


>No idea how to remove clack clack with hardware change
without* that's it I'm not using samsung keyboard


v will NEVER match up to treb as a streamer...


I stream to show others that they can do it better than me, and also I hope that people will use the chance to ask me any meta questions. I don't care much about entertainment. Also it boosts kissu's searchability


Also how else will you introduce people to games they don't understand or want to normally engage with without yourself putting in the effort to show them?


So, to keep it short. Streaming and streamers are part of the lifeblood of internet entertainment and growing engagement in niche situations. There's a meta to it that you stupid rigid brain fucker(SwiftKey does not like swears) with your stupid haût culture self can't get


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I just checked and it wasn't playing in game audio. Oops


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Watched 448 milliseconds of this before closing the tab.


Why would french bread release such a broken port right before Tekken launches.......


Because Tekken will probably be broken worse


french bread hard n' stale


is that HAUTE COUTURE (what is haute couture)


I like the clacking sounds, but how do I chat with you? Through Twitch or Steam? There's not much point to your avatar if it just stares off into the distance.


Sad to read. At least put [no mic] or [stick ASMR] in your title if you're going to do that
Sad but true


Sentimentality exists with the wojack posters and teens. All you'll get from me is cold realism


Also I forgot to include the audio in the recording feed so that was the biggest issue with clakclakclqk


Just bought Uni2 and GBVSR. Open to playing w/ anyone. I also have MBTL and Melty AACC if anyone wants to play.


Haven't been doing much of anything recently so I kind off fell off as far as fighting games go. The one I'd want to play the most would be soku probably but I have all the ones you mentioned too and wouldn't mind playing any of them.
Organizing it in a thread seems like a pain, you can add me on steam if you want to play. Friend code is 78442473, never used it before but it should work I think.


I can also play Soku though I'm far from what you'd consider good at the game. Though I'm always down to play against people better than me. If anything I'm usually worried if I'm wasting people's time by being worse. Sent an invite btw but it's a tad too late for me rn to play games.


I'm new to soku myself and it's pretty different from other fighting games I played. As far as skill gap goes it's fine for me either way.

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