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File:otaku no video.png (1.66 MB,1200x857)


Do you think he'd be happy or sad at the state of things today?

I think he failed in the end.


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I can't remember any of the story and we just streamed this a few years ago.
Umm... I don't know? I guess you would need to be more specific about what the "state of things" means. Budget stuff? Gacha? International popularity? Vtubers?


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The whole cast are otaku and they like his otaku friends and doing cool shit with them. You should rewatch it, but the whole show is basically showing the middle finger to normalfags for making fan of people for liking anime, cosplay, SFX, machines etc but also criticizing the negative aspects of the otaku subculture like hardcore dudes that use otakuism for escapism and detachment from reality, and the show ends with the main character being the king of otaku and making the entire world an otaku paradise.


Man... how did I forget all of that. I remember some of the interviews I think. Well, I remember the gist of them a little bit. Some very unhealthy lifestyles I think? Stories of waiting in line? I think some of them really liked to smoke. My general outlook is not to pay attention to other people.
Maybe the otaking would be posting food blogs on twitter.


>I think some of them really liked to smoke.
Pretty much all older otakus do. They grew up in a time when smoking was considered harmful but still cool. It was how you rebelled against the normal people when you were a dumb teenager and the habit never goes away. These days I guess you have vape otaku. I know a lot of nerds that drop thousands of dollars on that stuff.


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>They grew up in a time when smoking was considered harmful but still cool
It still is many places. The only reason I quit is because of danger and costs, it's fun and a great way to socialize. The fact that it's uncool to smoke some places only makes it cooler, it means you do something despite everyone thinking you're a dumb retard for it. It's the epitome of not giving a fuck. "It costs me money, it hurts my health, and you think I'm retarded for doing it, but I'm still doing it fuck you" is a lot more powerful CHR level up than "everyone's doing it".


Switch to making your own and it's still cheap. Like $10 a week while chain smoking all day cheap.
>It's still cool
Yeah sure. But I've noticed with the generation coming up now less of them do it. All of them are vaping. Probably 1 actual smoker for every one of them vaping. Cigarettes don't taste link candy.

I was just saying old school otaku smoked/smoke A LOT. That's why there are still smoking areas in game centers. They don't advertise them but every one of them has at least one floor dedicated to smokers. I love the Candy Cabs with built in ashtrays. I'd give anything to have a game center like that located near me.


>Pretty much all older otakus do.
they must be really old then because higurashi VN 2 pointed out that the smoking seats in otaku attractions like angel mort are usually empty


Old otaku areas are now tourist areas. You won't find them there anymore. They go to secret otaku areas to get away from stinky gaijin


fuck you


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Agiri is a dudeweedtaku, not a vapetaku. I guess they aren't mutually exclusive.


Given the pushback that Otaku no Video gave against the mass manufacturing of cheap figs from china I'd say he'd not appreciate the gacha industry.


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Isn't dude vaping a thing?


I guess so. When a heavy smoker starts vaping it's so much cheaper and convenient that it's easy to get overenthusiastic and piss everyone off.


It costs way more than smoking actually. You're always forced to drop $60-$100 on some part or cart or juice to keep the clouds going. Analogs just work.


how much are a pack of smokes anyways. i wonder how it compares to gacha whaling


>Average cigarette consumption among daily smokers was 12.5 cigarettes per day (CPD) in 2020, which was not a significant change from the 2019 estimate of 11.7 CPD. From 1999 to 2020, cigarette consumption declined significantly by nearly 5 cigarettes per day
wtf man. People actually smoke 5 times a day.
Makes you wonder how potent stronger drugs are


Chain smoking is a hell of a thing


File:The Voynich Hotel - c007 (….jpg (1.37 MB,1968x1732)

does anyone know if dowman sayman is also into duuude? i was surprised to see multiple characters smoking plot-relevant pot and even getting side effects
>12.5 cigarettes per day (CPD) in 2020
>From 1999 to 2020, cigarette consumption declined significantly by nearly 5 cigarettes per day
that would mean people ARE smoking TWELVE a day and WERE smoking SEVENTEEN back then


I guess the government publishes that they think it's similar potency to opioids. According to a 1994 paper. I think addiction is a personal thing though


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Shaft anime any day now.
Any day now...


For me. Keeping in mind pack of cigarettes = 20 here. Price for my preferred brand 20 years ago: $2.25. Price when I stopped smoking them a couple of years ago: $8.50-$13 depending on where I bought them (cheaper in my home state). I smoked 1 and 1/2-2 packs daily (so 30-40 a day). So I was spending $20 everyday and also buying a snack/drink or something along with them.

Compare to vaping: Initial cost for vape $120+ for first vape (large one) and $50 or so for salt nic vape (pen type). Cost for replacement cartridge every week: $5-$10. Cost of juice every week: $25-40. Cost of replacement batteries yearly to bi-yearly: $25-$50 (can't buy replacements for pen type).

Compare to rolling my own cigarettes: Cost for machine to stuff tubes: $50. Cost for 8 ounces tobacco: $8 (makes 200-250 cigarettes). Cost of 200 pre-rolled filtered tubes: $3.

Making your own is much cheaper. Also vaping is rougher on the lungs despite the advertising and promises. I can chain smoke cigarettes all day while working outside in the heat and/or walking/hiking. With a vape I can't do that. It's too hard to catch my breath.

Main reason I don't vape anymore: I just ended up doing both. I'd vape between cigarettes. Now the only time I use a vape is if I'm going to be somewhere that doesn't allow smoking. But over the last year or so these places have banned vaping to. So it doesn't make much sense anymore. If I stay at someone else's house I'll sometimes take one. Since they're more prone to allow vaping than smoking. Also with vape it's possible to take "ghost hits" that don't let out any vapor. But they're hell on your lungs.

I typically smoke 2-3 cigarettes an hour. Sometimes more now that I roll because they're so cheap. My mother is a true chain smoker. I've seen her fire up another while the last one is still smoldering in the ash tray.

The average is skewed by people that report only having 1-2 daily or people reporting less than they truly smoke. The average smoker in my experience has at least 15-20 a day. Most people smoke an entire pack or just under one so they have one in the morning left over upon waking. If they consume alcohol double these amounts. Everyone chain smokes once alcohol is involved.


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This OVA drove me insane. Felt incredibly cowardly the way it constantly retreats into self deprecating humor and overdramatized smears of people who do the things they so enjoy depicting. MCs only dream is to get rich enough to make Otaku disneyland? And all the while they plaster real headlines from news of the world as if its supposed to remind you reality exists? Fuck outta here. This kind of paralyzing indecisiveness, neither committing to embracing their work nor committing to 'growing up' is infuriating to watch.

Still laughed at the interviews though.

wtf do you mean they were just mad that they didn't get to scam the otaku first and lost that opportunity to the suit


Rather than Otaku disneyland I thought the goal was a world where everyone was otaku and otaku were not oppressed.

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