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¥ Handmade water, aged to perfection. The flavor of time itself. As you may know, water can completely change the flavor of a drink. I'll have two drops in mine.


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handmade water??


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you could say that water was aged beyond time itself


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time is bitter oneechan


water from the bucket with the lavos gate


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Freshly squeezed water, no ice.


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Bartender really does do the pretentious food snob thing well. I don't think this was intended to be a parody, but it's hard not to take it as one.


Can you even call it a drink if it doesn't contain water?


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Once you dive into tea autism you might come across the idea of water min-maxing. I believe this gets applied with coffee as well, but people have tested out various mineral compositions and found a certain rough mix that tastes notably better than other compositions.
Generally speaking water drawn from fancy alps and the likes are purer and taste better even just as plain drinking water, whereas if you just use tap water or "low quality" water with chlorine in it and such, the tea's flavor would be muted and very weak.
Niche as this seems, there's a business out there that sells little drip vials with the optimal mineral composition that you're supposed to drip into bottles of totally pure water or at least water with very few minerals in it, and there's a bunch of tutorials and recipes for making your own compositions using some pretty mundane ingredients.


Has this ever been blind-tested to check for the placebo effect?


ahv drank da fuakken mountain water a meter away from ice it came from and it tasted like fuakken water


They did here https://www.seriouseats.com/best-water-for-tea-tap-spring-bottled-filtered
There's probably a more official verdict out there, but anecdotally I do notice the difference with my own teas.
You could in theory check this yourself by making some tea using tap water and fancy bottled water assuming you have access to water that's close to the ideal mix.
I personally have been to a tea room (cafe equivalent for tea) which served their own blends of tea which you can buy. I bought some of their teas after having some at the place itself and try as I might I couldn't recreate the taste because I just don't have access to truly good water.


Interesting. Though I am pretty sure that my taste buds are too bad to tell a difference.
I'm drinking tea primarily for the ceremony of it. If not for that, I'd be happy with just hot water.


I like my water HARD


Aren't you worried about the possibility of your water breaking?


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i sure do love me some handmade water

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