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File:e5b1127baf.jpg (319.56 KB,900x637)

 No.116660[View All]

mamoru blog
974 posts and 173 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


this reads like a fever dream


bored and restless...
even though I'd probably be doing the same nothing either way, being away from my home system is truly torture...
maybe I'll look into syncing my data between the laptop and home system, but even then the laptop feels a lot more restrictive
hate being out


same but I think it's the air right now


File:usagi-chan.jpeg (2.89 MB,4032x3024)

just had a guy cross the street WITH HIS BACK TOWARDS ME. legit no idea if he actually looked both ways (doubt it). then he had to wait on MY lane because there was a car coming from the opposite lane. he’s lucky that I’m a careful driver but I feel like his well-being is going to be jeopardized in the near future. never seen a guy do that; he might actually have some kind of mental handicap.

also I just saw the same rabbit from yesterday. maybe it’ll brighten someone’s day. maybe not.
it feels like one too


>maybe it’ll brighten someone’s day. maybe not.
Probably depends on whether any mothers died in the past 24 hours.


File:feed me.jpeg (866.29 KB,1576x2100)

every day. every FUCKING day I go to work and see THIS.


Swing at it.


I'm in love with ume sensei


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image board tourist here, this looks like an interesting place, been banned from 2 more active chans, i hope i can learn from my mistakes :(


don't post a wojack/frog or you get instantly hit by a truck


>Teleportation Labyrinth Arc will begin with Episode 19 airing on Sunday, May 26th
Get owned tensei fans


welcome, friend


If anon >>124409 ever does anything ban worthy please ban me instead and edit this post. I'm serious.


based sacrificial anon


starting to get a hankering for peanut butter


File:mahrio_PEuniform.jpg (101.22 KB,1001x1309)

Welcome friend this play is comfy


tattoos are gross


I always roll myself up when sitting down. It's just comfy.
But lately, when I get up, I find that my legs are not working properly. Some nerves seem to be temporarily jammed. I guess I'm getting old.


File:AND MAKE IT DOUBLE.jpeg (2.78 MB,4032x3024)

prepare for trouble…


Stop making pictures and RUN!


I was combing my hair in the restroom when someone tried to mask the sound of their braps by flushing the toilet. it didn’t work at all. they sounded so wet that I had to run out before the stench kicked in.


and feed them double


File:hungry bois.jpeg (1 MB,1576x2100)

they already do that



we are talking about you...


File:berb.jpeg (3.25 MB,4032x3024)

the middle-aged woman who constantly stares at my face almost tripped because she was staring at me.
these days are so dogshit because no one knows how to train. they just whip out their cellphone and watch TikTok/Facebook videos or socialize with co-workers while I do all the work. I guess there’s the middle-aged lady who says “I’ll watch you”. Gee, thanks for being helpful. I’m so grateful.
Anyway, here’s a bird.


File:tastes like chicken.png (80 KB,260x260)

How long did you search for a bird that looks as angry about his coworkers as you sound?
Is this you?
Did you sneakily-like post a picture of yourself?


birds of a feather heheheh


i'm f*ck*ng stupid


Why do you say that you are fucking st*p*d?


I'm feeling better now, sorry.


“Angry” isn’t the word for it. But yes, it is me.


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This kind of thing and Apple desktop maintaing a 5% market share is why consumer boycots will never be a thing that works


quoting a feedback aggregation post in an undisclosed location
>We saw that the ability had some play and could function even at higher levels, but it was somewhat underwhelming when compared to meta builds.
>After some discussion, design's plan is to see if we can move some values around in the ability balance tool and test if we can get a little more juice out of the ability, but we're leaning toward shipping it as is, preferring to err on the side of low power as long as the ability is fun to use.


File:footfag jannies SEETHING.png (85.31 KB,900x180)

>post thing on 4chan
>nothing happens
>tell a footfag to kill himself on 4chan
>suddenly pic related


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don’t know what this means
you can’t make me take my meds




File:cope.jpeg (558.32 KB,2100x1576)


File:filthy phoneposter gets w….jpeg (3.58 MB,3656x2071)



Leave megan stallion alone u sandwich fodder


they are federal agents


Birds should not be


dug your own grave, now lie in it hehe


i am navigating the web with voice alone
feels pretty cool


>voice today
>brainwaves tomorrow
AI is getting scary…



File:Shelf.png (7.61 MB,1944x4032)

Assembled a shelf with help from #qa friends!


the store had a special on salmon and ground beef so I made Salmon today and it came out great. the chili will be done soon as well.

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