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 No.114027[Reply][Last50 Posts]

What music has /qa/ been listening to lately?
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A shame we didn't get to hear this awesome ending song yesterday since it was cut.

 No.121174[Reply][Last50 Posts]

what OP/EDs do you like? I was thinking about the popularity of LycoReco when it came out and how nice it'd be to see more anime inspired by gunslinger girl since that was one hell of a boson anime. the OP for it being one of my favorites and having that early 2000s english indie song for its op. also do you remember that in the same season lycoreco aired there was another original anime "engage kiss" that failed miserably and was just a soulless gacha cashgrab checking boxes to try and hook a playerbase, lycoreco had no tie-in and was the biggest anime besides bocchi so goes to show how far creating something good takes you compared to trying to cash out on the trendy market researched ideal money printer
153 posts and 24 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


( ´_⊃`)intredasting


Just can't get enough of these sound fx.


retro anime ED


I feel like maybe a dozen people watched this including myself and it was one of the best anime of that already strong season. Discarded the shackles of needing to tie itself down to being a modern Ashita no Joe and instead going about telling its own story that trended far darker. Although it kinda ended weakly when they went for once again making it about just boxing at the climax. Wish more people had watched.


I still need to watch Megalo or Ashita no Joe, but man... 128 episodes. I'm still not sure if I should watch the whole thing or just read the manga. Feels like Megalo would be best enjoyed by watching Ashita no Joe first to catch any references.

On a side note, here's a cool OP of a sports show I actually watched before.

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 No.116660[Reply][Last50 Posts]

mamoru blog
1022 posts and 186 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Assembled a shelf with help from #qa friends!


the store had a special on salmon and ground beef so I made Salmon today and it came out great. the chili will be done soon as well.


good ol' particle board


I wonder how much more expensive actually wood is


I’ve been feeling in a pretty good mood. I’m treating myself to some “premium” tea. maybe I’ll play Dark Souls 1 later. I’ve been feeling somewhat nostalgic for it lately.

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Current plans: Monogatari streams every Friday, nyaa!
This is a thread for discussing and planning streams that people can host using kissu's own anonymity-supporting cytube fork at https://theatre.kissu.moe/! People can and should make threads for the big day so they can post images and stuff and be more in control, but a thread to talk about stuff was suggested and I think it's a good idea.
I think I'll edit this OP to coincide with planned streams as well.28 posts and 10 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


I bite this and chew on this


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Just me.........

Can't believe it you can't even get people to show up to an unplanned stream in the dead of night these days......


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But in terms of actual streams, I'll be hosting Kizumonogatari tonight at 7:00PM EST.


A few hours later and I might have joined you over breakfast.


Was busy arguing about CS topics

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 No.102927[Reply][Last50 Posts]

I tend to nag people to post their cat pictures here so it's only fair that I post some of my own. Here is the (late) kitty I had when I lived with my parents. I had her since I was eight years old and she lived to around 15 years.
495 posts and 218 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Is that an eye on her belly?


apparently they're good at catching mice (she already caught one!)
poor thing was pregnant when she was a stray, before she got rescued not too long ago. that's a little stitching from when she had her c-section, her belly fur still hasn't come back yet.


You opened your house to a non-virgin cat?


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 No.108111[Reply][Last50 Posts]

General video games thread. What are you playing? What are you looking forward to?
331 posts and 111 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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The game is RNG heavy so it's all about stacking the odds in your favour using cards that suit your character. You can look up strategies and card recommendations for each character on the wiki.

>Defense builds are for noobfags who don't understand probability or fun.
Denying unga bunga players Wins is a lot of fun.


It is statistically harder to get wins against evade characters than defense ones. Def only becomes somewhat viable on broken DLC characters that let you stack up like +5 AND have positive attack bonuses. Or on the really bullshit yu-gi-oh ones that let you nope away any wins or stars from killing you.


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You should never play OJ to win because it's an exercise in frustration. Treat it as a bonus because otherwise your plans will get unraveled and you may get angry when something cheap happens. The game is built to support epic comebacks will frustrate you to no end if you take it seriously. Kind of like Mario Kart, but to a far greater extreme.
Also maybe we can try to play together soon.
Use this thread if you want to try to get some games going >>72101


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Yeah I play OJ to have fun. I like playing "objectively bad" characters like Tequila because smacking someone with a +4 attack comeback is too much fun.


Don't listen to these guys. They want you to play shit characters and shit decks so they can use you as fodder to up their W:L ratio. OJ is a game of skill, there's virtually no rubberbanding and the campaign teaches you that you can reliably win even when at a disadvantage if you play smart. Don't let them erode your mental fortitude by getting you hyperfocused on the bad rolls. You don't want to end up the kind of guy who ragequits XCOM over a missed 90% shot.

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 No.90678[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Which side does /qa/ take? Obviously pixiv would probably be better for searching (although boorus are even more preferable for that) and viewing a long list of art at once. However, in recent days I've been using twitter's feed more and I think that in terms of discovering new artists and likewise finding interesting stuff from people you haven't already followed it's a lot more convenient. Also the previews are a lot easier to see. So in terms of finding content, which do you think makes for the better go-to feed?
217 posts and 51 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


What I wanted to do was keep out _those types_ by keeping the place kind of low-key. Only creators would be allowed to make accounts to post content to the galleries. Then slowly allow users in at first. Make it exclusive like gmail and facebook were in the early days. Then once you build a culture of kindness you start to open up and test the waters with outsiders. But if they don't conform you get rid of them.

Before I die I want to see the nice western otaku and content creators and the doujin circles in Japan interact more together. I think we could make amazing things together if we combined forces. Plus both sides already want to learn the other sides language. So it would be very helpful for everyone involved if they could practice both in text and voice chat.

Finally, it would allow western fans to directly donate to doujin creators in Japan without all of the usual hoops. I know things like fanbox exist. But what we really need is a way to pay them directly through a platform the community itself controls.

Imagine if we had doujin circles in the west. They basically don't exist. Almost no one is willing to create content and share it for free any longer in places like America.


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It would probably need to be reliant upon an invite system. Maybe something like private torrent communities in which the the inviting person bears a responsibility and penalty for violations done by anyone they invite. You'd need very active moderators that cull any of the activist stuff the second it crops up and issue instant account deletions for it. The free and open internet really isn't ideal in this situation when you're dealing with higher status people that brigade and bully with a misguided sense of justice behind them. They unfortunately have the power.

I think you could also just design it to function like an old forum or imageboard and that would filter out a lot of people that simply don't want to use something that isn't a twitter clone. This isn't an age thing as there's lots of young people on places like f95 and even newgrounds. I really don't understand why there's like 20 twitter clones when the format is terrible for anything that isn't sharing pics of food.

As kind of interesting as it has been to see the internet grow over the decades, forcing different communities to share the same sites has really lead to some terrible interactions. You really do need to protect artists and weirdos by shielding them from the rest of humanity through obscurity.


The west does have a lot of doujin creator type people that make things for free, they just seem to make games instead of comics. F-95 zone has a lot of games from them and some of the game developers post on the site too.


I agree with most everything you said. I've been here to watch it grow and chance. It's really changed for the worse. I don't understand the tiwtter clones myself. The problem with moderation is finding good ones. Those people you speak of are always the firs to apply. They act sane for a bit then they go crazy and kill the community from the inside. Seen it happen far too often.

We used to have a lot of "doujin" software but now it seems like things are going behind a paywall. What I really miss are western artists that did animated shorts. A lot of them were really talented. Now you rarely hear from them at all.

I wrote a long post some where else about how I want to run/manage/start such a community. Perhaps we could discuss this there if you'd like to talk some more about it.


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I decided to look at the booru side of things. Some software/service thing (booru.org) that a lot of smaller boorus use (and even gelbooru) has been on the downturn for years now. To my disappointment the guy actually closed it to new applications years ago. I decided to see if there's any news in regards to this and this seems like the guy's disinterest is even lower than it used to be. It took a month for him to reply to a thread about tag searching not working: https://forum.booru.org/viewtopic.php?t=14193
With it "winding down" I wonder what this could mean for every booru that relies on it. I've seen many websites die over the years from admins that have long since lost interest and it makes me wonder what's going to happen. Gelbooru will manage I'm sure, but what about all the smaller stuff?
On a side note it's kind of disappointing to see people that used to be so passionate about this stuff just mentally check out and no longer care, but I guess that's a subject for another day.

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6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


This particular approach to AI music generation seems to have a low ceiling.


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It will, actually. Once we figure out quantum computing and integrate that into our AI's we'll be able to not only create AI that can act like a real musician, the AI will be a real musician and be capable of thinking and consciousness like we are. But will it be capable of perfecting itself when given consciousness or will the limits of quantum make themselves clear when we venture into it?



Nevermind the fact that's it's all BS, the whole point of robots and AI is that they are slaves who don't matter because they aren't conscious. Why make them conscious? We might as well just enslave people again.


Try to define consciousness.
It's not easy.

>don't matter because they aren't conscious.
That's historically a moving target.
Slavery has been acceptable for any number of reasons over the centuries. Nowadays, the justification is "it's totally not slavery, bros". And by the same logic, if I program an AI to want to serve me, there is no problem with exploiting it.
The real challenge in all this is really to make sure that either AI will never be decide to not want to serve us, or else, if they do make that decision, that they will be powerless to do anything about it.


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As 'primitive' as it is, I've been a fan of this song for years. There's plenty enough generic music made by humans, that I see little point making more just like it with AI - the bigger potential IMO is for using it to make music that sounds inhuman, just as how Vocaloid is at its best when treated as its own style, not as a poor imitation of human vocals.

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Greetings and rabbit rabbit (you didn't remember to say it, right?)

For a bunch of reasons I can't get into this is my favorite month of the year. One of those reasons is I get more free time to work on things I enjoy.

Over the last couple of weeks I've been re-watching Moon Phase for the first time in over a decade. I grabbed the best version I could find from the usual trackers. The release I got seems to be the most popular and all of the others seem to be using the same subtitles for the English translation. I was disappointed see that the scripts being used are filled with both spelling and grammar errors. One of two per episode I can forgive. A typo that's one letter off on standard QWERTY keyboard I can forgive. But I hit a string of 3-4 episodes in a row filled with horrible errors and it was obvious to me that no one bothered to even quality check the work before pushing it out to the public. This is in addition to several other errors I've noticed in the video/audio portion along with some pacing issues in the scripts themselves.

I posted all that to propose the following;

I've been slowly working on a handful of old series (and one new one) thanks to various people from here and elsewhere that so graciously provided me with good raws for a couple of shows or volunteered to do quality checking. I haven't been able to put out much in the last few months but now that I'll have more free time I'll be pushing some stuff out soon. But I'm one man and can only do so much so quickly.

So I was curious if anywhere here would be interested in helping out with things like correcting spelling errors in scripts or watching pre-release encodes. I need people to do stuff like the following;
1) Test encodes on various set-top devices (video game consoles, firesticks, AppleTV etc)
2) Double check spelling/grammar in English subtitle scripts
3) Watch test encodes on various different software/hardware players and tell me how things work on their local mpv/mpc-hc+mad configs
4) Help track down raws (DVD, LD, BDs and VHS) that aren't as common on public sources for some older content
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22 posts and 12 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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Just look at how horrible this scene looks. It's even worse in motion. The entire video portion of the anime on this US DVD Funimation release are overly compressed more than any other source I've ever seen.

If you have access to the Japanese DVD dumps please let me know. We need them badly.


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Great choice of font Funimation. Look at how awful this scene looks despite being bright compared to the last one I posted. I wish you could see it in motion. The macroblocking and dot crawling is really something else.

I'm considering this a total loss excluding the dub tracks. I can't believe the English dub team had the audacity to sacrifice so much video quality just so they could include a 5.1 surround sound version of the dub. Which is most likely use a bad edit of the English stereo track since I'm sure this show was produced in stereo. They basically included an extra bloated high bitrate AC3 track for no reason.

Half of each disc is ads by the way. Which are all in great quality of course.


sorry for quad-post but I know the R2 DVD was out in the wild at one point. Since two different people shared it on nyaa one all the way back in 2008 and another in 2016; https://nyaa.si/view/877005 and https://nyaa.si/view/42527

But due to circumstances beyond my control I can't request re-seed of course. All I can do is hope someone comes along and seeds it again. I'll leave it in my queue for a week and hope some kind anon helps out. If you find it elsewhere please let me know. The US R1 DVD is unusable outside of the English dub (which I'm not that keen on including anyway).

Just another example of how frustrating things are in the current climate. It seems every time I want to work on something I spend more time hunting down raws that I do spending time on actual work. It's really sad that it was easier to source this stuff in the 2000s than it is now. Sorry for mini-rant.

If no one shows up to seed in a week I'll break down and buy it I guess. Once I'm done ripping it I'll gladly donate the discs here to anyone that may want them.


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Yeah, looking at those filesizes I don't have anything like that. Everything I have is 1/4th the size of that so I can safely say I have nothing that you're after.
AB has these two things that are both around 31GB:
DVD9 | ISO (R1) | 16:9 | 720x480 | AC3 2.0 | Dual Audio | Softsubs |
DVD9 | VOB IFO (R1) | 16:9 | 720x480 | AC3 2.0 | Dual Audio | Softsubs

Dual audio so it's definitely not the thing you're after.


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I can get the S1 BDMV+DVDISO for you. A torrent with DHT disabled so that some random Indian from BTDigg doesn't show up & waste my bandwidth would be easiest. How would you prefer to be contacted with the .torrent file?

This is unfortunately marked as exclusive on U2 which is why it hasn't been shared.

I'll seed the second Nyaa link sometime next week. Just keep it in your client and I'll eventually get to it.

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 No.88567[Reply][Last50 Posts]

258 posts and 141 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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einstök umai


Drinking to sleep


Can't walk.


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im dwunk


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drunk on mead
i hope the 2hus get to taste real mead some day and not that swill marisa made

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 No.4165[Reply][Last50 Posts]

Post interesting or unusual stuff concerning imageboards, textboards or related stuff here. This thread is for a more centralized place of limited discussion, but please feel free to make new threads if you want something more thoroughly discussed.
Imageboard Happening Archives

This thread is cyclical with old replies removed as new posts are made.
Last Archived: February 7th, 2023
595 posts and 103 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


don't mind the tea guy personally


Notably, he's not ritualposting. He's keeping a tea-diary, with some humor (and multiple copies).


A diary would have more information. He intentionally makes posts that are as banal as possible. It's shitposting any way you slice it.


I think its a sane assumption to presume he's from /tea/. Tea? /jp/ shit? Blogging? All fit /tea/ to a T.


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seems so

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 No.122445[Reply][Last50 Posts]

It's spring!


What are you planning on watching? Have any suggestions or recommendations?
236 posts and 114 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


Did it start getting good enough to feel like one episode isn't enough?


has always been the same for me
but I am a biased manga reader


thought it was interesting but the plot was too free form


I don't think it's really a matter of something being good enough or not to need more than an episode. I can watch an episode of Hidamari or Aria, and even some more plot heavy anime while feeling totally satisfied. But with Tsukimichi every episode feels like it's running out of time to get to something interesting and is always just building up to things more than executing those build-ups. Leading you to want for those moments more and just get the buildup over with already. It'd be better if I were marathoning it since I'd be able to reach the satisfying pay off asap instead of needing to wait a week to see if something happens this episode or not. All watching it weekly really does is make me feel impatient.

Also probably doesn't help that there's not much to dwell on in an episode so all I'm really left with is a desire to be entertained more.


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Good ol' dumb gamer fun (actually they're hacking).
This Yozakura show has stayed silly and fun.

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I am considering going on a carnivore diet. Nothing fancy, prolly just ground beef, eggs, and dairy products every day. I've tried more "balanced" diets before and I never felt any better. Lately I've been very depressed and started putting on weight, so I'm interested in seeing what life will be like cutting out carbs almost completely. I understand there are some risks because there hasn't been much research on these types of diets, but I don't really care about anything right now.

5 posts and 1 image reply omitted. Click reply to view.


poop going to be hard, remember my brother literally shouting when pooping after a few days of keto
though i think it was just the first poop because he continued it for a couple months and lost quite some weight (not just keto of course, joined the gym too)


Just stop eating highly processed slop and you will be good.
Food studies are financed and controlled by interest groups.


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Americans and their meme diets... There's zero need to go keto. Americans eat too much processed food. That's what you need to cut off from your diet, not carbs. And sugar as well.


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ate a meme


Avoid foods with long ingredient lists. Optimally, you'd get most of your food from the fresh produce section, but even dried beans have an ingredients list. Don't keep junk food around the house.

I don't really bother with portion control, since a sane diet with calorie logging automatically regulates the amount of food you eat. But you can google rules of thumb for portion control if you're curious.

I have the palate of a kid so I drink a fruit and vegetable smoothie every day. My parents insist that spinach cause gout so I'm compromising by using cucumbers. Berries, which can have some sour ones mixed in, end up tasting sweet when blended.

Average walking speed is between 2.0 and 3.0 miles per hour, but instead of setting the speed higher and having to run, adjust the incline. And don't trust the treadmill's estimate of calories burned.

Make it a habit to drink some water when you're hungry. Sometimes, your brain confuses thirst for hunger. Don't drink soda or juice. And try to limit alcohol or cut it out from your diet if you can.

I like to do resistance training and walking. Specifically progressive calisthenics, which you can google. Heavy negatives help too. There's also isometrics, although you have to repeat an exercise at different angles to get the full benefit and don't give results as quickly as isotonic exercise.

100% whole wheat is the best, 100% whole grain is good too. Look for that when you buy pasta or bread.

It's recommended that you get a food scale and weigh everything you eat. But I made do with calculating calories from the nutrition facts (calories per serving * number of servings in the package / how many times I'm eating this until I finish the package). And googling how many calories in a chicken breast, in an avocado, and so on.
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 No.102559[Reply][Last50 Posts]

pouting at the fact that kissu has a bump limit
317 posts and 258 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


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you caused a post to be deleted :(


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It's been a while since Kissu's played any games together, and with the interests in agriculture becoming more relevant and Stardew having finally received its multiplayer update recently, I was thinking now is as good a time as ever to see if there's interest in cultivating together. I think in comparison to the upcoming Factorio expansion it should be a nice relaxing intermission people will enjoy. Also it's on sale right now so if anyone's interested I can buy it for them ( https://steamcommunity.com/chat/invite/NUIbnP7U )
6 posts and 3 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>labor of love updates
Phrase it as euphemistically as you want, it still means the game isn't finished yet.


Will probably start up the server tomorrow as I find myself a bit busy with stuff today.


What is your definition of a complete game? If it is fulfilling the original vision then it's a finished game, anything new is just extra free stuff. Would you rather devs take a paradox model and ship post launch updates as endless torrents of DLC? Or should they just drop it and never touch it again no matter what new ideas come to mind? Is anything ever really finished then?


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Invite Code:

Come and join if you want.


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Dang, I never got around to playing it solo yet and doing it multiplayer as the first time would be a terrible experience. Oh, well. Have fun for me.
I tend to play these games so slowly (taking my time with events/etc) that it's a bad time for everyone involved anyway.

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