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Mistaken for a girl. Ambivalent feelings.
Probably only because I was wearing a mask. Ambivalent feelings.




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Cute, cute, cute!


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To be mistaken for a girl doesn't necessarily mean to be mistaken for a cute girl. Still, that's the least of the problems.


Cut your hair hippy.




Happened to me too when I went to vote, but that wasn't the first time...


some girl with a notebook called out to me on the street and she wanted to interview me about the government or something but she said i had to be 25+ years old. I told her I was only 22, she looked disappointed.


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Wonder what it is about masks that can make feminine boys easily mistakable for girls


It hides their masculine jawline and stubble.


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Wearing girls' clothing. Ambivalent feelings.
Going on dates with cute boys. Ambivalent feelings.


Confessing my feelings, ambivalent.


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I am ambivalent when people mistake me for a girl.
However, when they realize their mistake and apologize, I feel very awkward.


my dad once mistook me for my mum


wonder if OP is still youthful enough to be mistaken for a woman after 3 years


wonder if OP is still cute! after 3 years


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i'm not OP but people mistake me for a girl all the time. i think it's because i have long hair and don't talk much.
i don't mind it, i think it's funny to trick people.
though sometimes i feel kind of bad, there was this one time i was helping an elderly lady put stuff in her car and she said "thank you, young lady" and i didn't have the strength to correct her...


as a femboy with feminine eyes, i assume it is because it is hiding the jaw since the jawline always indicates if one is a female or male even if he or she dresses perfectly as the opposite sex.

here is an example, although it isn't the perfect example, you can clearly see that the dude is a male due to his jawline.


indeed. jawlines are the curse of masculine femininity.


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Imagine the five o'clock shadow.


The trickster


Old post, but it's because of beard shadow that doesn't go away without hair root removal(painful). It's a bit of a political argument, but lots of women look like men or non-feminine so with long term hormone treatment there's basically no difference between genders.

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