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Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:Screenshot 2024-10-01 0104….png (172.42 KB,659x347)


umm... what the fuck? Google Chrome ad on YouTube with a direct download link? I feel like this is the kind of thing Microsoft got sued for being a monopoly for with Internet Explorer. I guess since that's already happening to Google that doesn't really matter anymore?...


That video on the right...


Huh? A steamer with an avatar? Eww yuck.


>using jewish chrome
You deserve everything bad that happens to you


Why would OP get a chrome ad if they're using chrome.................................................................


Why would OP not have an adblocker in the year of our lord 2024?


File:1611075150388.jpg (88.79 KB,1024x576)

Who are you quoting?




OP's image.


File:C-1727792759848.png (78.02 KB,300x140)

>Sponsored - Kuon Kunny
¥ Watch
¥ Dowload


Google really does deserve to get fucked, they're genuinely in the same kind of position MS was.
but why the fuck haven't you installed uBO? why are you seeing ads at all?


You do know YouTube has been on the war path again as blockers, right?... I do have ublock origin installed... The ad took the place of a video on the homepage which is something I've never seen before. An ad blocker has to have seen something before to know to block it, you know (´• ω •`)


For whatever reason the anti-adblock stuff hasn't affected me at all. I got like one warning message right when they started their crusade and then nothing since.


too green for autumn


File:[SubsPlease] Acro Trip - 0….jpg (101.31 KB,1280x720)


I really hate this progress bar gradient they added. It hurts my eyes


I keep thinking it's a sponsorblock segment.


same to both


The feast is long over, the famine appears as a faint speck on the horizon.
Expect even more extreme behavior from Google as they feel the contracting hunger pains and fall from grace.


saged to both


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (106.79 KB,1920x1080)


Sage just bit this shab.


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