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File:[Erai-raws] Chi - Chikyuu ….jpg (74.84 KB,1280x720)


This is what circlefags actually believe.


I like circles


File:earth.jpg (144.4 KB,640x480)

Real circlefags know it is like this


File:Tychonian.png (113.88 KB,600x640)

If you're interested in the true and veracious history of circlefaggotry and its many competing models, I recommend reading this:

It was much messier than what retellings make it out to be.


File:R-1728786217799.png (24.29 KB,380x380)


heliocentrism is supposed to be simple, but the more you look at the details the more fucked it all is


That's because heliocentrism is not only wildly unintuitive, it is also wrong. Apparently, the universe doesn't even have a center. Epicurus won.


File:[SubsPlease] Mahoutsukai n….jpg (282.58 KB,1920x1080)

Are you a wizard?


A thought just occurred to me.
"Scientists" claim that gravity holds everything together, it holds us to the earth and it keeps the earth spinning around the sun and the sun spinning around the solar system and gravity is what forms planets and stars and such as various particles are formed into one large body and that large body uses it's gravity to absorb more particles to get even bigger.

But then they claim that the universe is expanding, that various bodies are flying away form each other. That clearly doesn't align with what they have previously said about gravity and is yet another argument against the existence of gravity, another discrepancy being the idea that tides are caused by the moon's gravity which clearly could not happen as the earth has more mass and so would impart more gravity if gravity was actually real.

"Scientists" are going to have to either accept that gravity is not real or accept that the universe is not expanding and that it's not gravity that causes the tides but instead something else does.


File:HDF kuon.png (2.95 MB,1280x1216)

>the universe doesn't even have a center
Scientists have perfected the standard model and we now know Kuon is the center of the universe



hmmm the timestamp is not working... He talks about center of the universe stuff at around 8:19


Actually the Earth is effectively at the centre. From here we can see equally far in all directions, and it is pretty much physically impossible for us to ever travel far enough away to get a meaningfully different perspective.


File:tegaki-1728835925351.png (28.58 KB,500x500)

>the sun spinning around the solar system




Kuon is FAT.
Center of the observable universe for us, otherwise this is the same as saying that the center of the universe is wherever you're currently standing. Which >>3373 does, but it's still a relativistic rather than absolute conception.


The center of the universe is obviously the most massive object in it since that's what everything is getting slowly pulled towards.


File:c7d5c0a36a508bdce373904b38….png (837.91 KB,1280x720)

>Kuon is FAT.
>The center of the universe is obviously the most massive object in it since that's what everything is getting slowly pulled towards.


Opps. I meant star cluster. I got confused because in some ways the two terms mean the same thing.
Solar and star being the same and system and cluster being similar words too. Yet more evidence that "scientists" just make things up without putting much thought into them.


>Solar and star being the same
Sol being an astra does not mean all astra are Sol.


solar refers to our star specifically, the sun

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