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File:C-1730081705292.png (885.03 KB,1280x714)


Since the next week is halloween i thought of streaming a random zombie movie, is called Rape Zombie: Lust of Dead. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pFFXJ_qcRA. Is about JKs with guns shooting zombies or something idk, but with that name and trailer it must be good for sure.
The stream will be NEXT SUNDAY NOVEMBER 3TH AT 8PM EST. Or maybe we can switch it to 31th october to fit the date, i don't care. The stream will be on https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/youmufan at 8:00PM EST (like 1am for europoors)


That's quite a name


stream tonight




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>8:00PM EST
The streams have always been 8PM right? And it was always 9AM the day for me, but now it says it's 10AM?


Maybe the timezone changed, europe changed its timezone recently to have an hour less because is winter, to have more daylight, maybe where you live the same happened.


DST happened today for the US.


>timezone changed
Stuff's like voodoo to me, no idea what is but all I know is it means I get to sleep an hour more!


a real time comparison of timezones in EU and US

stream is in 7 and half hours. So CEST 1am, EST 8pm i think.


7 and a half hours, which would be 9AM here.... aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I'll try to get up for 9AM...




File:[SubsPlease] NegaPosi Angl….jpg (203.17 KB,1920x1080)

Kissu is how I learned that daylight savings time changed. Whoops.


stream in 1 hour
at least you noticed it. Remember to change your watch.


stream postponed an hour, please be understanding.


how long is the movie? i need to know


1 hour 14 minutes


alright nice, thank you


Streaming starting soon! GET IN! https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/youmufan


Is this PG-13? Asking for a friend...


I mean... it has RAPE in the name...


But does it say the word? This is important. You know, for my friend's parents.




Would your friend watch HSOTD with their parents?


Maybe, if their parents could be convinced it was satire and persuaded to check their phones for most of the runtime.


That was the most Japanese thing I've ever seen.


Would you rather die to a Korean nuke or to a miko crotch shot?


Why in all the movies the NEET has to die?


no salvation for filthy neets


As a filthy NEET, I approve of this message.

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