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File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….png (5.69 MB,1889x3448)


Movie night at https://theatre.kissu.moe/kiss/TheMoviezone
We are watching motherfucking Conan the Barbarian on the 15th at 8pm.
It's probably going to chopped up into like, two or three videos (should probably get it in 720p)


*8pm EST.


File:__hatsune_miku_and_roon_vo….jpg (454.89 KB,1000x1000)

Well butter my asshole the 720p version is small enough to upload in one video.


sure, Conan is pretty good


Two day reminder that it is at 8PM EST
Don't know what time that is for Europoo


wow Roon sure looks different. Did she get a haircut??


File:World_Time_Zones_Map.png (2.94 MB,4000x2157)

>Don't know what time that is for Europoo

For my streams I use EST and UTC, which used to be known as GMT. It's the 0 in the map here. +5 hours from EST. I don't really know how people do things in Europe, but I remember GMT/UTC being the "standard" so my assumption was people know how they relate to it. The majority of Europe outside the UK is an hour ahead of UTC.



Movie is still happening today!


i want roon to slam her massive titty meat on my head and cave my skull in


File:__commander_and_roon_azur_….png (3.07 MB,2135x2059)

Well I more want Roon to wrestle me to the bed and fuck me :^)


Hey in this pic it's not the boobers that have veins it's also their arms hmm


File:__commander_and_roon_azur_….png (2.67 MB,1988x3816)

I guess the artist really loves his veins huh


50 Minutes LEFT until the movie starts!


File:__roon_azur_lane_drawn_by_….jpg (280.7 KB,1157x1080)

Movie is starting in 15 Minutes!


It is officially almost time for the movie to start


don't think I'll be able to stay focused for 2 hours when I'm this tired, but I'll try...

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