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/aut/ - Autumn

Seasonal board for the Autumn Season

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File:long chito is long.jpg (1.09 MB,2121x4096)


I don't know when it's appropriate to switch to winter clothes...
Every day that passes I get more uncertain.

/aut/ism is difficult. I much prefer /win/ter.


File:d8759bf84280a89bf7c30f822f….jpg (294.46 KB,500x700)

It's appropriate when it feels appropriate. Don't let the man ruin your comfort


File:9tituitfuv.png (143.12 KB,523x422)

Nobody is going to look at you funny for wearing winter clothes when it's cold ya dingus.


But it's not cold, you're just weak.


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It doesn't feel appropriate, but I'm cold.
but there's no snow.
When I walk around with a winter jacket and boots I'm gonna look like a dork for being cold while everyone else just wears normal clothes because they have cars and don't get cold.


Like a puffy jacket?... Why can't you just wear a hoodie or something?


Then people might think I'm a hoodlum. I'm already wearing a thin sweater with a jacket over it.


ehhh... you have weird thought anonymous...

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