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File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy -….jpg (290.45 KB,1920x1080)


Have you ever been interested in aromatherapy or scented candles and stuff? The other day in one of my rare ventures outside I was at small grocery store (the expensive kind I only visit yearly and barely buy anything from) and it had a really nice apple cider/cinnamon smell and it made me feel warm and happy. They didn't actually have any fresh cider or cinnamon, so it was obviously fake stuff.
Smell is pretty strong when it comes to emotion and memories and stuff, right? It seems like it's worth investigating.


I exclusively only read VNs at night time with a scented candle and all lights turned off. It gives another vibe I can't get when reading in daylight. Highly recommended.


I sniff my bar soap before I shower. I like the smooth texture of soap against my nose. The scent is okay, I guess.


I once bought an incense burner, but ever only used it once. Will get back into it, I really love strong scents even though I understand nothing about it. Would love to get my house smelling like gasoline.


Don't be Rama Rama though, messes with your brain


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (187.93 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, VNs and scented candles do seem like a nice combination. I like to read VNs for 10+ hours in a row until I'm done, though, so it might not work for me.

I was with you until the gasoline part. Well, I'm not sure if incense burning is healthy. Doesn't it add a bunch of debris to the air?


If you keep the area well ventilated incense isn't a problem.


The candles last quite a long time. You can always buy multiple.
I don't read VNs every month so I don't go through that many.


I should get into it. Very often do I find myself unfocused and stressed and jumping from one thing to another, not getting anything done. Even when I do things I enjoyed I can only think about how much time I'm wasting.

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