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File:IMG_20221007_030158.jpg (2.24 MB,3968x2976)


Driving to NJ to deliver Berun local specialties.
Not sure what to do on the drive though


practice how you're going to seduce him


practice how you're going to suck him


great advice all...


eat banana



It's 975ml
>Generally, one liter of alcohol per person may be entered into United States duty-free by travelers who are 21 years or older.
Iced fruit alcohol, Quebec special, tends to come in lower quantity with higher flavor/%


treat yourself to one of those bottles on the way down
surely two oughtta be enough for ol berun


I'm jelly.


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I'm jam


I guess you could try to visit something cool? Maybe you'll pass by a national park and those are nice.


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287 km on the i-87


Don't post while driving at... how many American speeds is that....


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While you're in America don't forget to get your kicks on Route 66


Nice I87 mountain ranges

isn't that Midwest?


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It's quite huge, but I don't know your driving path. I never really took notice until now that it even says Illinois on the sign where Tenshi is eating so she's way up North.


please post pictures of your cute date together


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they better post some handholding


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Hope rush hour traffic is treating you well... The people on the roads at this time are rarely deserving of being called human...


I'm in New Paltz for the next 5 minutes. Guerrilla meetup in random roadstop town


arived but I obviously won't give anything away


hope it's the kind of date that ends in a love hotel



drink responsibly!


get drunk and do lewd things together



cum in his wine and make him drink the mixture


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It was a nice /qa/ meetup, and I thoroughly enjoyed the specialties. Dispelled some of my paranoia of people when I wasn't barraged by death the moment we met. Also got to finally communicate certain things to Verm that I'd not been able to properly do over just text, and reach a deeper level of understanding than I'd had before. I ended up giving him a nice present of my own, too. Anything more specific I won't divulge as it'll be more fun leaving interpreting this post up to kissu(heh)



glad to hear that magic and fun can be found even in new jersey


now neither of them are virgins


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i doubt v would want to give up that most ancient wizardly fiat


>I ended up giving him a nice present of my own, too.


why did he put it like that....


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I wasn't at the cute kissu meetup... How can i continue to live this life...


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the /kissu/p


so happy for you two


¥kissu meetup
just remove the "combo" part


i get that you met again but i dont understand the joke


there is no joke


ah ok


he means he has the game and the character has annoying moves to play against while tired.

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