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File:d9560d5d7835178a97d9c1e117….png (2.29 MB,1920x1080)


Now that ChatGPT can write and debug programs, are we going to replace verm with this and let it program and do site maintenance?


File:__adeptus_mechanicus_warha….jpg (708.62 KB,981x1280)

Praise the machine spirits!
Glory to the Omnissiah!


the article you probably read said that in a normal environment outside of code competition it's still at a programmer under a year of exp. Programming can be spead up by code autowritting but creating an entire program is less strongly defined than a theme in an art piece.

And ai probably won't ever touch AI anyways because I have the opinion this stuff is mostly negative for a person to know.

Like, you need to have a masterful English vocabulary and theory to write a novel qnd understand why others a not as great. Having an AI perform chunks of cognitive action will only lead to a weaker writter. Same goes for art.


and like you could have used an AI image instead of a human drawn one.

AI assistance is good to increase functionality in software, but as a cost cutter and a timesaver I dunno how I feel about that


can you fuck neptune yet using it to emulate her?

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