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 File:002_AMADUYU_TATSUKI_ART_WO….png (386.09 KB,440x582)

 No.9800[View All]

It's been overdue since I've tried to post her everywhere, but...
Cute and ecchi are both good in this thread, because Kuon is both. She is perhaps the embodient of /ec/!

185 posts and 164 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


>Can you tell the style for a couple of these images?
I presume this one is Higurashi? No idea about the others though.


Yep, Higurashi.

This one is the Dragon Maid artist

This one is the artist that does the blonde, green sweater girl with the red eyes that's in all sorts of weird forms. It's not very apparent here, though.


bleh, meant to say >>12779 is the Dragon Maid artist


 File:97936973_p0.jpg (967.16 KB,1600x1200)


 File:104145028_p0.jpg (5.97 MB,7016x4961)


 File:105154125_p0.png (2.41 MB,1512x2150)

I don't think I'm completely done with AI Kuons, but I'm taking a break from the stuff in general. Regular ol' work of human passion now.
Well, I'll see if any of the new mixes I'm working on will fill the void. I should correct the errors in the LORAs, too, but mehhhh.....


 File:04208-1girl,_solo,___lora_….png (903.07 KB,864x864)

OHAYOU! (it's not actually morning)
The Kuon AI stuff is coming out of hibernation! I'm happy with my newer models. Although, I really need to retrain the Kuon LORA itself to try and remove its errors. I did it back in uh, January or something so I imagine the methods have improved since then, but I need to read up on them. I'm posting this images as generated and not doing any touch-ups, so expect errors.

Remember that no one has yet claimed the AB bounty on the Utawarerumono S3 BDs! You'll be a hero to all if you do it!


 File:04233-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.31 MB,864x1152)


 File:04231-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.12 MB,864x1152)


 File:04225-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (823.01 KB,720x960)


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 File:04217-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (841.14 KB,720x960)

(I need to go back and play the SEQUEL... sequels one of these days...)


 File:04222-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (741.79 KB,720x880)



 File:04227-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.48 MB,864x1152)


 File:04229-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.46 MB,864x1152)


 File:04237-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.43 MB,864x1152)

One of my favorite armors from MHW, but somehow it overrides Kuon's ears and puts them on the hood. Strange.


 File:04218-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (834.98 KB,720x960)

Automatic Kuon


 File:04220-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1020.71 KB,720x960)

heheheh (I think this lora was trained on minecraft porn or something because I really had to fight against it producing giant breasts)


 File:04224-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (1.08 MB,720x960)

and last... someone made a lora specifically on the True Love dating sim! This one is incredible!
Okay, that's it for now. I was feeling lazy with prompting and relied on LORAs today. If anyone has requests I'll try to fulfill them!


for me this one's the best
i'd've gone with >>13436 if it'd gotten the eye ring right but that may not be feasible


 File:04211-1girl,_solo,_black_h….png (910.11 KB,864x1152)

Yeah, eyes remain a huge weakness as far as I'm aware. Well, that any of these work as well as they do on a model that is technically mostly furry data is pretty amazing in itself.
I do use something for shots with smaller heads and it helps a lot: https://github.com/Bing-su/adetailer. I'll probably get that installed on kissu's SD thing soon


 File:HvM6.png (8.93 KB,800x640)

IMPORTANT! A person in IRC posted another Kuon drawing!




 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (3.53 MB,1920x1080)

BD Kuon looks very nice in the few parts of S3 in which the quality is there. I really do lament that it was quite budget-y, but I'm still glad it happened at all. Episode 20 made it all worth it, really.


 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.27 MB,1920x1080)

bleh the images are listed in reverse order


 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (1.81 MB,1920x1080)


 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.87 MB,1920x1080)


 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.67 MB,1920x1080)


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 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.87 MB,1920x1080)


 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (2.89 MB,1920x1080)




 File:Utawarerumono.S03E20.1080p….png (3.08 MB,1920x1080)



 File:696D67_6368613030313839303….png (746.95 KB,2048x2048)

New round of gacha (ugghhhh) art. 5 pictures.
The first two have the caveat of me presuming it's Kuon. It might be for a flashback, but it might be some dumb parallel universe thing. The scene stuff isn't as good as the older stuff, so maybe they're running out of its already presumably small budget.
These first two are definitely Amaduyu, though.


 File:696D67_6368613030313839303….png (429.61 KB,2048x2048)


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 File:AQUAPLUS_20TH_ANNIVERSARY_….png (7.42 MB,2333x1892)

From the Aquaplus 20th Anniversery book, but I should crop and compress so it's not 10-20mb files.


 File:AQUAPLUS_20TH_ANNIVERSARY_….png (749.7 KB,1374x1050)


 File:AQUAPLUS_20TH_ANNIVERSARY_….png (6.61 MB,2365x1747)


 File:AQUAPLUS_20TH_ANNIVERSARY_….png (10.56 MB,2317x3493)

Until next time... Keep that Kuon spirit burning!

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