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File:1667960548651826.jpg (623.34 KB,868x1228)


My maid is only good at killing people...


File:[SubsPlease] Kimi wa Meid….webm (10.08 MB,1920x1080)

Same, not sure why they all seem to learn the art of killing before cleaning...


You have to make a mess to clean a mess up.


File:[SubsPlease] Akiba Maid Se….jpg (256.82 KB,1280x720)

My cafe is peaceful, its maids kind


File:sakuya fast knife at hign ….mp4 (256.66 KB,720x720)

The best maids are those who master both. One can't truly be a perfect and elegant maid unless you can handle all the chores of the estate, from dishes, cooking, cleaning, and Ojou-sama's security. Blood and wine stains aren't so different if you think about it.


File:d8b43aae505246fbc109ac52c9….png (620.21 KB,548x950)

My maids microwaved a few bananas and are now wanted by the world shadow government.


File:[SubsPlease] Kimi wa Meido….jpg (185.38 KB,1920x1080)

my maid is a chromatic aberration


this is a 3:2 pulldown artifact from converting 24fps to 30!! not chromatic aberration!!


File:[SubsPlease] Kimi wa Meido….jpg (237.45 KB,1920x1080)

my maid is a 3:2 pulldown artifact from converting 24fps to 30

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