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File:[SubsPlease] Tsuma, Shouga….jpg (123.34 KB,1280x720)


My wife is a slut.


Is that good?


No, she's trying to get our daughter to fuck randos.


No wonder the artstyle looks like a hentai studio did it.


So how is the show? I couldn't tell who it's aimed at. Seems like such a bizarre premise


Not lolicons, that's for sure. The title is pure bait and the actual show is one of those "ghost looks over the depressed people left behind" things, except the ghost has a physical body and it's been 10 years so the people left behind have no excuse for still being depressed. The loli thing seems like it's just a way to keep her from reassuming her wifely role because everything else about her is 100% hag. She's voiced by Aoi Yuuki and I still can't stand listening to her nagging.


>The loli thing seems like it's just a way to keep her from reassuming her wifely role
0/10 anime

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