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File:pop in 2.mp4 (49.96 MB,1920x1080)




File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (316.19 KB,1920x1080)

Very Kana-centric. Good.


They actually uploaded it to their youtube as well, used it yesterday as promotional material.
It's very cleverly made, doing a stretch of sunlight with little sights of darkness underneath can easily end up tastelessly edgy, and they integrated it into the chronology by having her black stars appear only in the parts recorded after finding the corpse, on top of writing a new song and making a video for it from scratch. Really impressive. (Fuck you >>81760(Cross))


more like poop in 2 I am an incomparable homo


this guy poops


the pooper


Ruby is clearly the centerpiece. Kana and Mem are just part of the happy dressing.


the video focuses on kana


Then why is she framing Ruby in the thumbnail?


File:[SubsPlease] Oshi no Ko - ….jpg (258.95 KB,1920x1080)

The director was right to give Ruby a more prominent role in the MV. Any girl with eyes that express killing intent will instantly become my favorite.


Pop in?


The Place Where the Black Stars Hang


Pop in 2!


Pop in?


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