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I like Rachelbythebay. Woman who gravitates towards the underappreciated sysadmin/glue code role in tech companies and always has a bad time of it. She's built cool things in software and hardware, such as her own monitor of her city's police radio communications that listened to all of the public channels and archived the activity. You can learn about various 'gotchas' by poring over her blog backlog. For example, empty files in unix systems marked as executable still run to completion and giving an exit code of 0 (success). Or certain numbers that come up repeatedly in log files.


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It's nice to see people with personal websites. I don't really have anything else to add.


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I have a lot of bloggers in my bookmarks. I could post the whole list if someone's interested.
Most of them are graphics programming related (think people who make their own game engines) but there's a lot of other random topics too.

One of my favorites is https://matklad.github.io/
He's the guy who made rust-analyzer, which is a language server for the Rust programming language. He posts a lot of random thoughts about programming languages, algorithms, etc. It's all over the place and I love his style of writing


I like food4dogs I wanna be like her when I get older


>I could post the whole list if someone's interested.
I'd prefer in this thread to talk about them one at a time.


>Start Often Finish rArely
>Start Often Fuck Achievements

>is a computer meant for sharing
>we are a community of around 3000 users making art, socializing, and learning on a linux server. founded in 2014 by ~vilmibm.


Blogs are probably the 'old web' thing to have survived the longest, still being relatively mainstream to this day, especially among more bookish crowds. I think a lot of it comes down to their standalone nature and emphasis on individual opinion. It's a format that lends itself well to being linked on social media sites like Reddit.

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