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File:ublock origin.jpg (134.76 KB,2561x628)


MV3 just killed Ublock Origin
Now what, chromebros?
Are we screwed?
I don't want to download firefox


you WILL download firefox
you WILL switch to mostly the same stuff
you WILL be moderately freer from google it really depends


ah I think I left something in the other thread while packing my things.


File:1659089528274460.png (399.51 KB,680x610)

Firefox or some other MV2 using browser basically. I've already been using it and haven't had any issues. For Chrome you're going to have to take Ublock Origin Lite or find some other alternative.


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (307.47 KB,1920x1080)

Personally, I hate chrome. I keep Brave on my computer to test stuff out once in a while, like with broken websites or something, but I really don't like it much.
This adblocker thing has been known for a while now unfortunately, so it's not news exactly. Chrome and its derivatives are like 95% of the browser share these days so I'm probably on borrowed time. I'm sure there will eventually be some important website script thing added and google will manage to avoid monopoly charges over it.


You had years to switch browser in protest, but almost nobody did. If you're still using a Chromium browser, just suffer the consequences please. I have no sympathy for people using browser engines made by a data collecting ad-company.


i use firefox but when downloading some big file from the internet archive i had to try it with chrome because chrome could pause and resume the in-progress download while firefox couldn't, it'd try to download fresh every time :/


I've never had this issue, but for what it's worth IA offers to download via Bittorrent on every single file.
If there's something you really like there you can even use the various decentralized swarms (or just add the most common public trackers) and seed it yourself should IA ever take the file down.
I've never used this feature since I've only downloaded 1GB files at most and I'd rather just download it and upload a normal torrent elsewhere with appropriate trackers included, but it seems like it would be good for your usecase if you're trying to download massive files.

Notably firefox supposedly does support pausing and resuming downloads though, but it's possible there's some type of authentication making it think it's a new file.
Did you open the downloads tab to press resume or did you click the download link again?


Firefox needs to kill UBO too so I don't have to switch


Suck my cock dude.


Chromium will no longer be able to manipulate the DOM (in order to prevent advertisements)


Isn't brave itself a Chrome derivative?


I'll laugh when the government allows youtube to block all non Chrome browsers in the future. The US is a complete cartel of monopolies at this stage and is just allowing Google to fuck everyone in the ass.


That kind of thing is going to be tough outside of the US. Australia for example made Valve, an American company, bend the knee and allow refunds. Similarly their courts told HBO to fuck off when they tried going after people pirating Game of Thrones. While the US is a corporate cocksleeve those companies will bend when it means the can lose millions of customers and entire markets because they crossed the line in other countries with different consumer rights laws, and in doing so create competitors filling the demand for those lost customers and markets.
While a poor example since the site has issues, imagine if Japan stopped using Youtube and exclusively used NicoNicoDouga? That's a huge market and think of all those vtumorfags outside of Japan taking their viewership to NicoNico instead of Youtube.


Imma revert to using firefox when the deprecated support is removed and hope ladybird comes together.

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