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File:C-1728955400338.png (107.1 KB,667x440)


What the F*** is Mint doing????


Apparently it's a wayland resource leak so you have to press CTRL+ALT+ESC


God, Linux as a desktop environment is such a joke


>Linux as a desktop environment
don't hate the linux, hate the DE


huh how are you getting a wayland resource leak but Xorg is running...


then why did this solution for wayland effect it...


fix it*


Like none of them got it in the way that Windows or Apple gets it. I don't want to be a virtuoso, I just want to do things quickly so I can do other things.


A little digging on "Ctrl+Alt+ESC", supposedly it resets the DE, and nothing to do with wayland or Xorg.
Also, maybe you have this https://discuss.whatever.social/r/linuxmint/comments/rkxify/control_alt_escape_shortcut/hpff7k1/?context=3#hpff7k1


ya, it seems like a cinnamon thing, not xorg/wayland


>got it in the way that Windows or Apple gets it
The only thing that comes to mind when thinking about Windows or OSX DE is Gnome...


dunno if you can replace the mint DE with gnome and not brick your system though


I wouldn't even want to do that. I like Cinnamon's use-ability, but that you have to wrangle with Linux <-> DE integration always means that my efficiency with it if I were not a programmer would be so far bellow Apple/Win.

I read the last post in the thread I posted and it might be an integrated graphics quirk. I also messed up my DE by screwing around with some dependencies so it might be my fault anyways

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