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File:[SubsPlus ] Oshi no Ko - S….jpg (271.25 KB,1920x1080)


I was without computer for a couple days and had to subsist on "smart TV" youtube and it was awful. The ads pop up like every 15-20 minutes and they are LOUD. I can tolerate annoying ads, but I was pretty sure governments instituted rules about equalizing the volume of commercials? I remember this being a thing people complained about back in the 90s on cable. Maybe it doesn't apply to the internet?
All those relaxing "___ to sleep/study" whatever videos and then WEE WOO WEE WOO CLEARANCE SALE ON FURNITURE THAT HAS JUST GOT TO GO TODAY
Also it was an old TV when the "smart" stuff was just coming out so half the time the commercial (which somehow always rendered in 1080p despite the youtube video itself being like 240p to 480p) would crash the yotube "app".
I'm so glad to be on the computer again. Truly ignorance is bliss because that was a terrible way to experience things and yet it's the default for billions of people.


That sounds like hell.
I think I would prefer to find some books or work on illustrations.


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Yeah having no PC is terrible. When all your friends are on the internet, having no access to a PC makes me feel lonely very quickly.


I get the same whiplash whenever I visit family and they have streaming stuff on all the time in the background with ads and sponsors constantly popping up. I guess you don't notice as much when you socialize during that time, but it really reminds me how critical adblock and sponsorblock are to making Youtube usable when it's not just a cable TV replacement.


never understand it when i go over to a co-worker's computer and its covered in ads from the no adblock
ublock origin


nooo but it's unnecesary i'm doing just fine with no adblock don't worry about it
that's what i was told in that same situation two weeks ago


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When I was baking a cake at my parent's house two years ago I tried out the YT-app on my then new phone while waiting. Did not have a functional version of the app on my old (then ten years old) phone since it hadn't gotten any updates for years.
The app apparently decided on it's own to use my parent's smart-TV, which was connected to the same wireless network, to play the video (after an annoying ad of course). Was surprised to hear it's sound blaring across the hall from the living room instead from my device. Good thing I chose a recording of a concert instead of VTubers.

>All those relaxing "___ to sleep/study" whatever videos and then WEE WOO WEE WOO CLEARANCE SALE ON FURNITURE THAT HAS JUST GOT TO GO TODAY
That was a 'normie-culture-shock' I won't forget; was drifting into sleep once when HEY YOU CONSUME PRODUCT LALALAAA happened. Had not taken measures for adblocking on my phone before then because I rarely used my old phone for anything other than messaging and phone calls.
Since then I'm using a browser with adblock and the 'YouTube Background Playback'-script when watching YT-content on my phone.

Still hate small touch screens though, PC über Alles.

I wonder about family members not being annoyed by constant advertisement as well. Especially when listening a radio station where they play at least five minutes of ads after 2-3 songs. Which is then followed by a short sequence where they talk about how they love music even though they usually cut songs after three minutes, disregarding the song as the piece of art it is.
My guess is that they don't really listen to anything most of the time but want a certain degree of background noise.


weird knobbly ankles

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