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File:hero_static__c9sislzzicq6_….jpg (63.79 KB,572x852)


Has anyone here used MacBooks for software development? What issues did you encounter in practice?


Not a Mac user myself, but one issue my developer friend encountered is that one of those stick-on plastic webcam shutters cracked the screen and Apple refused to cover it under warranty.
I shit you not.


Software development for Macs? Or for other OSs?


Hosting rust/golang applications and server for development purposes. Pretty much


Is there a reason you want to do it on a mac? Sounds like a linux job to me.


linux has UI flaws that are unfixable


False excuse.


All the other devs make fun of you for it.


Every DE for Linux has too many flaws to be functional as a work station. You're expected to treat it like a server.

I can get something similar to apt with home-brew. I'm really just asking if the package manager on Apple compares with Linux and if it has any silly port restrictions. Otherwise I'll probably just get one instead of fighting with Windows11 or fighting with Mint


Also stuff like how you deal with environment and path variables with Apple's terminal


use what everyone else at work uses


Bought the "13-inch MacBook Air with M3 chip - Midnight".
512GB SSD and 24GB of RAM. I checked my old laptop and stuff and it's like 200GB. So if I'll probably just store archived projects on cloud storage or something


how much it cost?


with tax and converting from local currency 1575.78 USD. So it's very expensive... if I weren't well off right now I'd gamble on something I can put linux onto


will you post about how it works out for you? after some time with it


yeah. For that price I'm hoping everything will just work

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