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/maho/ - Magical Circuitboards

Advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic

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what are some human cybernetics types of technology you use to augment your powers
ill start with a strong example

everyday i use anki to help remember things, because of how memory works using space repetition is the most efficient way ever to remember things that you can put on a flashcard

its commonly used by medical students that need to remember lots of random symptoms and words and anatomy for medical school, but its also used for learning kanki, or vocabulary. I have a 'jeopardy' style deck with 10,000 trivia questions in, a professional development deck, decks for my school classes, decks for famous art pieces, and famous buildings

i have lots more technologies to talk about not just anki


Used to anki for around 2 hours a day for kanji the whole covid break, knew all the kanji, but haven't done it for the past 2 years and it's really frustrating how easily you forget the kanji you thought you remembered...


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I'd have to think about what I use that I could say 'augments' myself more, but definitely Anki has been extremely useful for me. More than just recalling a word from memory, I found that decks with example sentences to engage my brain daily have been quite useful in helping me learn and adjust to the patterns of Japanese grammar.

Maybe if I think about ways that I'm training my brain then I could say that I use some daily tools in my work that help me run simple risk assessment quicker.


chatGPT for proofreading


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Memories hundreds or thousands of things like this sounds like torture to me. I'm much of more of a hands on learner, anyway.


i have a rare technology

this extensikon allows you to skip silence in videos so if you're watching a lecture or something you only have to listen to the parts where the guys talking. and even then at 2x speed


I use artificial intelligence to train my imagination and generate content catered to my fetishes in order to milk my prostate 8 times a day. Before this I was capped at 5


instashot or foe of the justice league?


no. girls in their bare scuddies, sometimes with penises, usually on civitai


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Do you guys have a todo list application that you like to use?
I use todooist because it syncs between my devices and the free version is fine for me
and it does all the stuff i need a todo list to do

and i have a plugin for my notes on obsidian where if you right click you can make a reminder that links your todolist and your notes.


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Do you mean an actual "to do" list? I just open notepad and keep it open on desktop, but that's probably not the best way of doing things. Physical notes in real life help, I guess.


the next useful technology i will shill is readwise that means i can save articles and links and pdfs and annotate them
and it syncs them on everything
and then it automatically exports the annotations to my obsidian notes everyday for safekeeping in a nice format thats easy to reference later

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