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Archived threads: /poll/

Displaying 3 expired threads from the past 7 days

Post # Snippet  
1746 Decider Poll for the new spoiler thumbnail. This is used on images which can spoiler stories. Takes ideas from the previous thread. [View]
1802 Pretty much everything is over by now, so it's time to decide on what the most /qa/ anime of this season was! [View]
1788 This poll is for deciding the most /qa/ anime of the season for the season of Winter 2021. Anyone that wants to vote needs at least 3 posts on kissu, you can vote for multiple titles if you're unsure. If a title isn't on the list it doesn't exist because I'm not attempting to remake this poll for the 100th time. Aside from all that, this poll shouldn't be ''hard'' at all for anyone, ''clearly''. [View]