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File:a329f5873f15a5dac9d4048446….jpg (206.19 KB,1000x1250)


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I don't think it counts for watched if I dropped them right?


I think partial watching counts. I voted for Smile which I'm one third through.


i voted on partial watching


I didn't include the seasons I dropped. Otherwise I'd end up including everything since I started.

Surprised someone has watched multiple seasons without having seen Heartcatch.


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (358.87 KB,1920x1080)

I do like Precure, but I find it hard to back and start the older ones. I just started with Star Twinkle and never really looked at the older stuff.
I really like the fantastical ones and it's hard to beat Star Twinkle because it visited different alien worlds. But, yeah, it's hard for me to start these...


Just start Smile


File:Star Twinkle Precure 30.mk….png (3.15 MB,1920x1080)

What's it like? Well, I guess I could at least go download it...


I tried Futari wa a long time ago, but was very underwhelmed and dropped it only a few episodes in. I swear I'll try one of the more well-liked ones some day, but that probably won't be any time soon.


It's a lot more comedic and bright colors with designs as good as TR.


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File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (436.61 KB,1920x1080)

I started with Mahoutsukai because of the VAs and because I heard it was kinda yuri, have been watching on and off since. Sadly I ended up skipping two entries that are supposed to be among the better ones (Hugtto and Star Twinkle), but I do plan to watch them eventually, along with other well-regarded installments like Go Princess and Heartcatch.




File:Futari wa Pretty Cure 13 [….jpg (50.32 KB,712x480)

Futari wa has its moments, but it does drag on. I'd say its strongest point is sticking with just two Cures so you really get to know them. Them needing to be together to transform was also an interesting dynamic that I wish was still around.


the cooking one, kirakira


Watching Pretty Cure makes me feel like a gigantic pervert corrupting something pure and earnest


>Watching Pretty Cure makes me feel like a gigantic pervert corrupting something pure and earnest
I got that out of my system when I was a brony 10 years ago and now I just watch Precure like a normal TV show


Stop showing it to your daughter, then.


Picked up just for that face


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I think for the more meh precures, your enjoyment will hinge on how much you enjoy the cast, I've started it and I mostly just think the main girls are cute so I probably will like it.

The older cures are designed in a less provocative way I feel.

I like that the western fanbase doesnt shun the disabled fans


Also I forget which site it was on but I remember an anon getting flamed for liking a la mode


>I like that the western fanbase doesnt shun the disabled fans
The who now?


Look in the comments section on Youtube of full episodes. You'll see them and should be able to tell by the way they type. this is fairly common in kids show fandoms but their treatment varies.


I could only find full episodes of Smile Precure and I didn't notice any commenters who seemed mentally disabled. They either talk normally or they come across as actual teens who go like "omg so nostalgic I watched Glitter Force"


File:1646922133567.jpg (268.09 KB,1280x1280)

A helpful guide for those considering which precure to watch


Tropical Rouge wasn't popular with otaku?
Maybe my perception is just skewed by Kissu, but I feel I see it talked about far more than, say, DeliCure, which this claims was more otaku-friendly.


It was, but it was more aimed towards girls and also extremely popular with them.


"easy to draw"?


File:[SubsPlease] Delicious Par….jpg (177.51 KB,1280x720)

I'm guessing from the responses that this is showing popularity somehow? It makes me think the shows above the middle line are stuff I should try due to the location of Tropical and Star Twinkle. But didn't people say I should try Smile? Huh...

My favorite Precure in my limited (recent shows only) experience are more fantastical in nature:

Star Twinkle - Space travel to other planets with lots of cool aliens and two of them became Precures
Tropical Rouge - Hidden underwater ocean kingdom with different types of intelligent life (mostly represented by recurring villains though) and a mermaid princess became a Precure
Higogaru Sky - Medieval kingdom in another dimension that has sapient birds and one of the birds became a boy Precure

The two Precure that I dropped and didn't like in this timeframe:

Healin' Good - disease
Delicious Party - eating

The characters in these were also pretty bland. Sadly, Myne couldn't carry Delicious even though she did have some good episodes.


Left: (Hard to draw)
Right: (Easy to draw)
Top: (For girls)
Bottom: (More otaku oriented)


which purikyuua has the best op?


File:[Over-Time] Star☆Twinkle P….jpg (100.05 KB,1280x720)

Huh, that's strange. I can understand a mermaid princess being more appreciated by little girls, but aliens and space exploration and spaceships and even a federation of planets? Yeah, most of the show was centered around Earth, but still.
I guess otaku just want the cute girl thing and nothing else, huh.


i wonder how modern precure would do a two person team


My holy roller mom watches pretty cure because its "clean anime" and shes into girly things like this


> holy roller
does this mean religious or cute?


In her case both


thats so awesome


get her into like aikatsu and pretty rhythm/pripara/etc


what's her favorite series
which is her favorite cure


I was really hoping Hirogaru would do that with how it started. They could have easily focused on the first two without adding the hag and the fag to the mix. Not sure whether they do it to sell more toys or just to offset shallow characters with novelty, but I really hate the trend.


just asked
>what's her favorite series
Splash Star
>which is her favorite cure


pls tell your mum from me that she has good taste. splash star is a very gentle and good-feeling season. its main duo are a pair of down-to-earth ordinary girls. its villain team is full of people who doesn't get along with each other in an entertaining way


File:[SMC] Sailor Moon S 120(R2….jpg (49.61 KB,640x480)

>its villain team is full of people who doesn't get along with each other in an entertaining way
That sounds similar to the best season of Sailor Moon as well

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