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File:xyz_grid-0003-2029142841.jpg (5.03 MB,5400x6000)


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Ah yeah, hmm, without negative prompt access you have to worry about animal features turning the generation into furry.
Well, I can still try to create a better all-purpose model, but it's hard to find the right balance between generic-but-obeys-tags and interesting-but-hard-to-prompt-specifics. (well, sometimes e621 tags work).
In theory we can introduce LORAs to make the difference between these less drastic, but figuring out how to use those without direct access to the SD UI will be VERY annoying.


Character 2S is the only one that got Holo's eyes right


File:screenshot.png (1.95 MB,1920x1080)

Weird how Sakura turned out looking more mature than in the anime, sort of like Ryza...


File:[SubsPlease] TenPuru - 01 ….jpg (180.51 KB,1920x1080)

Hmm, mixed results. Well, I can try to do an old experimental thing that someone made where you can take a merged model and split away part of it into a LORA, which can then be prompted for selectively.
I haven't done it in a few months, though, but I'll check it out again

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