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File:R-1696382760741.png (377.97 KB,537x612)


Do you use the Mac or Windows version of Photoshop?


Almost answered before even reading the question.
I don't use any version of Photoshop.


File:finger.png (347.71 KB,600x387)

I think the question is pretty odd. You'd need a Mac to use the mac version of photoshop wouldn't you? Who uses a Mac?


...there are options that aren't microsoft paint?


File:[SubsPlease] Dekoboko Majo….jpg (272.37 KB,1920x1080)

This IS a strange question. I'm on windows and I use photoshop, so yes, I use windows photoshop


I appreciate the answers, even if the question is strange.


File:macfags.jpg (173.96 KB,612x474)

I tried to install it on Linux but couldn't get it working. Honestly one of the biggest things keeping me on Windows, even more than gaymin.


Linux is for working. You don't get gouged on Microsoft's subscription fees and slow technology adoption by going for Linux in work.

...But games... lol....


Also I should be a bit kind to Mac because apparently OpenGL is pretty straightforward to develop for on Mac for some reason. So a lot of graphic designers go for it. But not that different from windows here


>Apple Deprecates OpenGL Across All OSes; Urges Developers to use Metal


guess there's no reason to use Apple other than legacy hardware




Acktshually I think she's eating an orange, or maybe a persimmon


Obviously a tangelo


Its a candy, there's no way she eats a piece of fruit


File:1604126472_2.jpg (1.61 MB,1518x1075)

>no way she eats a piece of fruit


File:100770070_p0.png (359.04 KB,670x947)

Those are berries.

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