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File:df078858ad4cda551db0e7c4fb….mp4 (1.24 MB,960x1200)


Anyone wanna watch movies on the 8th of December.
Thinking of showing the Dollars Trilogy (Fistful of Dollars, Few Dollars More, and The Good, The Bad and the Ugly
Could take breaks and pick another movie this is what I'm feeling for streaming.


looks like a rather untimely poll


uhhhh what >>3499 said


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I'm up for watching them together, but as the others have said this is probably not the ideal time. Holiday time on kissu can be quite busy


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Move it to the 15th then?


My thing I meant. Like can't you make a mod edit and change it to the 15th?


Well, first I need to see if there's an interest in a Moon Phase stream. It could be that it just doesn't materialize and the 8th works.


So my stream on the eighth?


Yeah, that should work then.


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Saa, I'm debating just getting it from Yfiy or whatever the fuck its called.
But apparently it has bad sound quality or that's what people on /t/ (surprised Hiro hasn't shut that down) told me once.


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there are a lot of options other than yifi, even if that one's at the top the others after it still have a solid amount of seeders
(also pic is qbit search just in case)


Okay so what quality does everyone want it at?


I think 720 is good enough, yeah


Alright I got all the files, I don't know where to upload them. Apparently litterbox has been finicky.


I got the files, movies will start at 6PM EST, please come and watch these Spaghetti Westerns with me.
This is the channel we're going to be using:


On the 8th, forgot to mention that.
Not today, on the 8th.


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Roger that!


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Okay so here's the situation:
I have to split The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly into two parts so I can upload it to litterbox.
Don't know how to do that though, would Kdenlive work?


You go to https://litterbox.catbox.moe, select one or three days, and then upload the file. After it finishes loading it'll give you the link to the file, which you add to a list in your threatre room or however you wanna call it. You'll have to make an account for that.


Oh, and as for the splitting itself yeah, you can also cut it up with Handbrake at the same time that you're compressing it. Haven't streamed movies myself yet so I can't really say more than that.


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If you've already encoded the file, you can use Avidemux to split it without reencoding. (Kdenlive and Handbrake will probably reencode it with some further quality loss.)
Just make sure to pick an I-frame as the first frame of every segment.


mkvtoolnix has a splitting function as well.


Not sure if there's a dedicated flag for splitting in ffmpeg, but I know you could do ffmpeg inputfile.mp4 -c:a copy -c:v copy -t 00:30:00 outputfile.mp4 and then use -ss 00:30:00 to change the start time to when you split. -c:a copy -c:v copy set it so that the audio and video settings are copied with no loss; If you want to adjust anything like scaling the video or reducing the bitrate or changing the encoder, you won't be able to be able to use them.


In today's tale of bullshit:
This is my second attempt at using Handbrake to split the final movie into three parts instead of two, tried to split the movie into two parts and it was over a gig for the first half so I said fuck it and now we're doing it into thirds.


Files have been split into thirds.


>two parts
>over a gig
Huh, how'd that happen? Most in >>3523 are either close to or under a gig.
What version did you download, and what preset were you using?


I downloaded the 720p version, and that still clocked in at 1.45 GB
So what I did was split it into three parts, so everything is good.


Alright, alright.


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So uh what starting time? It's today, right?


Movies are being uploaded, we'll start as soon as they are ready.


Movie is streaming now!
This is going to be really ghetto but it'll work out!


Second Movie is a GO!

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