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File:Astolfo Erogenous Zones.jpg (313.91 KB,848x2024)


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(From the male perspective)

Results color code:
Red - Very pleasurable
Yellow - Feels good
Green - Feels okay
Blue - Neither good nor bad
Black - Painful

The Astolfo Erogenous Zones images roughly lines up with these questions.


>Black - Painful
Can't find it. Where is the black circle?


>Can't find it. Where is the black circle?
Whoops. It's the eyes for reference. It shows up as purple in the results. It looked black from the color picker. The image is just one from 4/qa/ a long time ago that I saved that I like posting every now and then so it doesn't line up 1:1 with this poll.


please don't lick eyeballs


How can you say you love her if you can't even lick her eyes?


File:0193a.jpg (Spoiler Image,591.48 KB,1110x1600)


as much as I dislike anus kissing it'd be nonsensical to call it gay, unless you think rimming contains within itself the germ of desiring insertion up your ass
others can be odd, i can't recall seeing a man having his tum kissed, or girls kissing male feet which is surprisingly unintuitive
>Mouth / Lips
meme vote
dem orbits




File:Undead.Unluck.S01E20.Anno.….jpg (470.5 KB,1920x1080)

Everywhere and nowhere. To be straight is to be gay and to be gay is to be straight


Many of these are really weird and I'd question anyone who wanted to do them, but I've limited my responses purely to the ones that would increase the levels of homosexuality in your partner.

I don't know why armpits would be gay instead of just gross and stepping on a woman's face seems pretty masculine to me. Explain yourselves.


Who wouldn't want their body licked all over by cute girls? >>>/megu/1837




I dunno, that's certainly not what the poll suggests.


you're a wackosexual


I often have the feeling that people confuse their own sexual interests for heterosexuality, because they identify as heterosexual. That then leads to weird assertions.
"Only homosexuals would want to have sex in a car."
"Only homosexuals would want to have sex with a woman younger than 20."
"Only homosexuals would want to have sex with a girl wearing socks."

The entire debate seems both meaningless and paranoid. Arbitrary check-boxes to test for a question that can in fact be asked and answered independently: Are you sexually attracted to men/women/both?

The fact that there is apparently no distinction between being licked by cute girls (as per the thread topic) and being licked by handsome boys, is not surprising. It's par for the course. You are using "homosexual" to mean "abnormal". But they are not the same thing. And image board users are abnormal by default. I'll bet some of you don't even have facebook accounts.


It's a joke from /secret/, or as the olds would put it, a site meme


Should I apologize for spoiling everybody's fun times?


No no, it was a good post!


i'm just gonna FUCK astolfo


No. It adds to it.


>And image board users are abnormal by default. I'll bet some of you don't even have facebook accounts.

That's such a weird indicator of normality


File:[Nii-sama] Blend S - 08 [7….jpg (85.56 KB,1280x720)

I would not have sex in a car.
I would not have sex in a bar.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with a hag.
I would not have sex with tits that sag.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.

I would not have sex with bare feet.
I would not let her lick my cheek.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


Would you have sex with one fat?
Would you have sex with a cat?


I would not have sex with anyone fat.
Even you wouldn't a cat.
I do not like sex with a man.
I do not like it, Anon-I-Am.


You do not like men, so you say.
Try it, try it and you may!
Try it and you may, I say.

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