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File:2d shapes.jpg (266.86 KB,1988x574)


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if you don't pick rectangles, you're a gay


File:1708624660896536.webm (2.71 MB,668x836)

If this is what being gay's like I don't want to be straight.


oh i am very gay




File:Hidamari.Sketch.X.Hoshimit….png (801.94 KB,1920x1080)

hidamari sketch's are hexagons when they're not being rectangles


fuck marry kill
well, maybe not considering the first two are lesbo


File:Kirino_Kousaka.webp (42.4 KB,500x445)

I like the kiririn shape.


File:1706374355266.png (133.82 KB,720x678)

Circles are currently leading! That's a surprise.


depression blobs speak to a generation


the silent majority


File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (276.64 KB,1920x1080)

Personally I like a good round, it feels very warm. Normally 2D girls have heads shaped like stretched eggs, so I think a good round makes the character look more grounded and empathetic. Mashiro was prone to roundness in her reactions. I think her normal head shape was only a bit more rounded than Sora's, but exaggerated for effect at times.


File:made-in-abyss-riko-bomb-ri….jpg (255 KB,1920x1080)

Potato in Abyss
Girl's Last Potato
Potato Simulation

The great rotund trinity.


File:[HorribleSubs] Gakuen Hand….jpg (271.7 KB,1280x720)

The reverse bowling pin.


including tkmz twice is unfair, maybe hakumei to potato or mitsupoteto instead

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