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File:[SubsPlease] Dark Gatherin….jpg (258.5 KB,1920x1080)


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Since it's been so long I hope that everyone remembers what was in Summer! Although I have a feeling that recency bias combined with having an actual presence is going to pick the winner here.


File:[SubsPlease] Helck - 01 (1….jpg (239.66 KB,1920x1080)

If I missed anything that you think might have a chance at getting votes please inform me in this thread, I'm pretty sure I got everything covered though.


I have no clue which to vote for here.


File:[SubsPlease] Dark Gatherin….jpg (280.14 KB,1920x1080)

The only anime I remember having consistent posts was Dark Gathering.


Mushoku Tensei sparked/sparks some heated discussion about Rudy and probably will again.


most of that came from vermin sperging out


discussion is discussion even if it's one person driving it


Then Helck sparked discussion too because of the flashbacks that kept discussion present into Frieren


Luckily, I voted for Helck too!


But Helck wasn't liked for that very reason, it'd be like putting Destroyers as /qa/nime. I think it has to be not only popular and impactful, but also well regarded. Also compare Oshi no Ko's 4 votes vs Kaminaki's 6 and Im@s' 7 in Spring.
There's something about Mushoku that doesn't convince me, I don't associate it with good memories.


File:[SubsPlus ] Dark Gathering….jpg (269.86 KB,1920x1080)

This season was kind of weak in retrospect, but I guess that makes it more obvious on what to choose. Honorable mention to Eiyuu Kyoushitsu for having belly, although the girl unfortunately burned it off quite fast. Maou could have been great if it didn't throw away its premise for politics that no one cared about. Helck's first half was good. Mushoku Tensei got good after about 7 episodes. Temple was fun, but ultimately not very memorable. The others I don't really have much to say about. I guess I should watch Bleach one of these days since I saved it for later to marathon.
Oh, Unique Skill had cute girls.


reppin Helck, with Dark Gathering for a close 2nd.
also, wtf did we really watch jjk?

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