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File:nt8snx.jpg (421.86 KB,1536x2048)


How many cats do you have?


poll bug report
i made a zero option as the first answer but it did not show up in the poll


Every household must have a cat. If you own no cat, you are the cat.


in that case


i have no cat and i must ñaaaa


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BIG cutie


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3, one of them's sitting beside me right now.


I'm the only one with 7?


Cat hoarder hoarding all the cats from the cat-less.


You can have as many cats as me. Simply feed the strays for awhile and they will spawn unlimited cats. I've known two different people. One ended up with 25 and the other ended up with about 30 before the state took them away.

My cats are due to spawn more kittens very soon.


File:[SubsPlease] Sousou no Fri….jpg (282.29 KB,1920x1080)

That's... not good. Unless they lived in a mansion those were cats are definitely not in a good situation. I hope none of them had to be put down, but they likely did...


bleh I can't type


They lived a life of free food and sex before the glowies shuffled them off to a silent execution. Better than I'll get.


post itemized list of your three cats with piccies of each


0 cats are bad


there is no such thing as a bad cat


1) Name: Tom Cat
Orange Garfield LARPer that's about 12 years old now. Spends most of his days sleep in grandma's lap
2) Name: Blackie/Hitchhiker
Small black female stray someone dropped off here last year. Tries to snuggle up to Tom Cat all day. Usually gets slapped for her trouble. Spends all day either laying in the rafters of the basement of in Grandma's lap if Tom Cat isn't occupying it
3) Name: Boots
Black cat with white boots. Spends most days laying on table and roaming around outside. Hasn't been seen for the last 3 days. Comes back when hungry. Hangs out with random strays in the woods. Usually goes missing for days at a time at least once a month
4) Name: NiiNii
Black and white stray that got dropped off here around the same time as Hitchhiker. Don't see him very often. Terrified of all humans unless it's dinner time. Spends all day hanging out in basement. Still haven't been able to pet him.
5) Name: Little Girl
Small black cat that's lived here for 18 years. Not sure how old she is. Slowed down a lot in the last two years. Now lives inside and spends most days sleeping. Used to live in barn until she figured out there was this thing called a heater in the house around a few years ago. Likes to be petted and likes people food.
6) Name: Big Girl
Large black cat that showed up the same time as little girl. Either little girl's mother or sister not sure. Can be found wherever little girl is hanging out. Dislikes all people food except canned tuna. Extremely overweight and has been for the last 18 years she's lived here.
7) Name: Tiger
Large old orange tom cat that's lived here for 18 years. Lives in barn. Showed up with big girl and little girl. Massive jaws. One ear lays flat. Scars from many battles. Used to spend his days chasing pussy and would not be seen for weeks at a time unless he was coming home to lick his wounds. Now he sleeps in the barn all day. Likes TV. We put one in the barn so he can watch TV any time he wants. Finally let us start petting him a couple of years back. Has really chilled out lately. Loves Salmon. Have to mush up his food and add water because he's almost out of teeth. Vet says he's only got a little time left to live.

Most of my cats did not live indoors. Most were afraid to come in the house or of people that didn't feed them. It's very common where I live for people to have multiple cats on their property to control the vermin.


holy flip... christmas came early...


When I lived with my friend who has 20+ cats at one point we had some odd balls. Here is a list of those that I remember;

1) Name: Tagz
Brown stripped cat. Couldn't meow or speak. Instead he'd stand on his hind paws and "pray" using his front paws. Which was basically stretching them out above his head then quickly pulling them down in an down->up motion. Loved pets. Loved eating. Would regularly jump on top of fridge and pray to the overhead light for some reason only he knows. Died of cancer about 10 years ago.
2) Name: Otep
Small black and white female cat. This was my cat (everyone in the house had at least one). Liked to sit in my lap all day. Found out she was female when she first got pregnant and ballooned into a fat cow. Tried to give birth in my lap. Ruined my pants. Got hit by a car not long after that.
3) Name: Momma cat
Small grey cat that sired many children. Kept all the cats in line. No one fucked with her. Lived to be over 20 years old
4) Name: Tom Boy
Mama's cats husband. Sired many children. Got in a lot of fights with neighborhood cats because he was always looking for fresh poon. Got hit by a car. Once sprayed my leg to be an asshole.
5) Name: Funny Face
A small grey cat with a funny face. Pretty chill. Ate my friend's girlfriend's hampsters after we told her not to bring them in the house. They lasted about a week.
6) Name: Sebastian
A large grey cat with a puffy tail and massive balls. So we named him a corny male name. Then one day he freaked out and was obviously in pain. We couldn't figure out wtf his problem was until he started having kittens. Turns out he was a hermaphrodite and somehow managed to give birth. His kittens didn't make it.

I'm not going to go through all 20+ cats because honestly I can't remember all of the names right now. We shouldn't have had so many cats in one house but my friend is cheap and stupid. When he finally had his first kid they all had to go (excluding a handful that he really liked). Most had gotten hit by cars or died for other reasons by this time though.

I cleaned up the house with my other friend/roommate before he brought the kid home. It was nasty. I had moved out long before this time and the place went to shit in the months after I'd left. There was cat shit everywhere hidden behind everything. We ended up burning more of the furniture.

I really hated eating dinner in that house. You'd sit down with your plate and the cats would form a ring of cats around you. Waiting for any scraps you might throw their way. Then they'd beat the crap out of eat other if you tossed something in their general direction.

I once forgot to put away the catnip when we all left to go into town to do something (probably to buy pot). When we returned they had destroyed the place. I wish I could have been around to see what happened exactly. It looks like a tornado had come through the living room.


only have one and she is sometimes an asshole, i have scars due to her


0 gomen


Op here, I also have zero cats :(

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