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File:706ec8ace2c45d6f83d0ee61b8….jpg (1.63 MB,983x1770)


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Both, obviously. Pampered by your onee-chan and then pamper your imouto.


devilry from above and below


Is the onee-chan an immortal loli that has a complex about not being able to grow into a real woman despite being the eldest, with her imouto being almost 2cm taller than her, and promising to remain almost 2cm taller than her for the rest of eternity?


File:1524084376785.jpg (121.79 KB,600x800)

If those are your ideal sisters then sure.


File:1523929163602.jpg (73.93 KB,955x170)

I'm pretty sure the question is relative to you. If you're picking between two younger girls of different ages, it would come down to factors other than birth order.


File:1356417717799.jpg (238.14 KB,671x1000)

Imoutos always win

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