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File:852571ec7dc8310a58e439d2a6….png (12.68 MB,2844x4093)


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I wonder what the gender ratio for the Kissu, how much of a sausage party is this place?


that guy who pierces himself better vote fag


What if I'm a male with a faggy personality that I don't identify with


then you have a very silly kind of dysphoria


none of this matters on an anonymous board


File:F7-y1z9a4AAG29Q.jpg (1.59 MB,2580x3643)

We are all big breasted glasses hags at heart.


Put yourself in fag then.


market research
vermin needs to know if he should partner with fleshlight or dildo advertisers


I absolutely identify with my faggy personality


File:Mission - Yozakura Family ….jpg (275.66 KB,1920x1080)

Feel free to remake that post without that terrible word in it. Putting stuff in quotes doesn't mean you're not using it.


I was going to vote fag until I realized it wasn't just a dumb joke option but a way to avoid triggering the mod.

Let's be honest, it's gonna be dildos either way.


File:__enoshima_junko_danganron….png (194.43 KB,600x390)

Listen if you feel like a fag then you are a fag, simple as, ain't nothing wrong with it


File:85251a99e73a64276a418ba61b….png (164.8 KB,440x457)

the one girl here needs to get OUT!!!!


The one girl (♂️)


No they would have answered Other/fag


File:Bulbawesome.gif (131.79 KB,600x500)

Just give me the Bulbasaur, Professor Oak


File:20240502_005223.jpg (106.13 KB,1014x1280)

So many smelly NEETs stinking up the school, I bet they're all part of the spam club. Everyone I know in the student council and meta clubs are cute anime girls.


File:nothing to see here.png (43.65 KB,360x360)

You don't count school as "education"?


Does #qa still have the welcome message about joining school clubs?


Huh... nope. Not sure when it went away or how since the bot is still there.




oo does not imply boobs. Please don't imply that it does by censoring them. You are making things awkward.


File:8c9857097c932b045c54b36611….png (4.15 MB,2000x2300)

As a 2Dfag I don't identify with the mortal realm so other/fag it is. Spirits are able to possess electronics too, but we're often forgotten.


*rubs your flat chest*


If you are hoping for a genie to appear, that doesn't work with random containers.
It's got to be a container filled with a genie.


File:[Exiled-Destiny]_Ranma_½_T….jpg (58.04 KB,640x480)


Oh my god there are g*rls here


what if the two girlles k*ssed



*there are liars here


girls saying they're boys....


That's a scary thought.


File:Bgatahkei.webm (655.45 KB,1280x720) [play once] [loop]

Online, we're all cute 2D girls.


File:C-1714705486086.png (838.93 KB,920x1300)

who SHAB here?

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