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File:1622611292198.jpg (577.59 KB,912x700)


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Which cup is which flavor?


File:[MoyaiSubs] Mewkledreamy M….jpg (308.42 KB,1920x1080)

Eh? Doesn't hair color make this obvious?


File:a51cfb6db6b8ca219fd00260e0….jpg (1002.55 KB,1050x1466)

Easiest poll of my life


made all the options have 1 vote muahaha


strawberry -> purest -> Miyu
Vanilla -> in the middle -> Illya
Chocolate -> slut -> Kuro


File:[SubsPlease] Yoru no Kurag….jpg (224.53 KB,1920x1080)



File:1633821172344.jpg (1.49 MB,1200x1491)

I disagree. Strawberry is the sweetest and best flavor of the trio, the one you always end up wanting more of after the fact. So of course it's Illya. Chocolate is a more bold flavor and can be the strongest of the bunch, more it takes you along at its pace and can rival Strawberry in flavor so it's Kuro. Then vanilla is the purest flavor, it's nice. Usually the 'default' flavor but will always be good and a safe option so it's Miyu. Also it mixes best with the other flavors.


vanilla -> vaginal -> Illya
chocolate -> anal -> Miyu
strawberry -> oral -> Kuro


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Illya is chocolate
Kuro is chocolate
Miyu is chocolate

I am the type of person who scoops out all the chocolate.


white choco


File:1552716932817.gif (395.45 KB,2267x1903)

There is no strawberry


this is something ive thought about and pondered for years. i still do not have an answer.


>>4240 is lying. She has the answer, but refuses to share.
This is after she was taught the good news for the sole reason that she would carry it out into the world and share it with everybody.

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