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File:[MTBB] Nisemonogatari - 08….jpg (356.58 KB,1920x1080)


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It's time to choose.


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Only correct answer.


File:[MTBB] Nisemonogatari - 08….jpg (185.12 KB,1920x1080)

Nise makes it a bit biased towards Karen because of the toothbrush scene I guess.


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File:Tsukihi bath.webm (2.82 MB,650x364)

A fake that tries to be real is more real than the real thing.


File:[MTBB] Nisemonogatari - 08….jpg (428.9 KB,1920x1080)

That scene could convert some Karen followers, but it's not in Nise.


On a related note, has the Tsukihi hair-brushing bonus story ever been translated?


File:[MTBB] Nekomonogatari (Bla….jpg (333.78 KB,1920x1080)

For me it's that Tsukihi... doesn't do a whole lot, really.
While Karen is proactively going out there for the sake of JUSTICE, pulling off cool stunts, and getting into a couple fights with onii-san to ultimately end up managing to meet her idol, Tsukihi is giving out some threats or commenting how she's not too sure about the Fire Sisters business, that she's more like following Karen around. She barely does anything at all in her own arc.


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

I can't really remember how they were different


how the flip does koyomi deal with having siblings that are such SHABs


By groping their titties a lot.


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Skeehee takes the lead in an astonishing comeback!


File:[AnonSubs] Koyomimonogatar….jpg (72.45 KB,960x540)

Fake votes are more real than the real things.


I can't really remember how I bit this shab


anonymous ojii-san is going senile!


teh phyre sisturz


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The logical choice for Araragi should be Tsukihi. She's got a strong personality, is very helpful in identifying and forcibly fixing flaws, is probably the smartest sister, and also she'll live about as long as Araragi does.


File:[MTBB] Monogatari Series S….jpg (154.53 KB,1920x1080)

>is very helpful in identifying and forcibly fixing flaws
A little too forceful if you ask me.


File:[MTBB] Tsukimonogatari - 0….jpg (220.11 KB,1920x1080)

So how many were converted today?


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Some people may still be a bit afraid for their body


still a man of justice


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What really sells me on skihii is realizing that she loves her onii-chan just as much as Karen does. It's not as obvious in Nise because she's a lot smarter and more socially aware than the baka bee, so she acts more belligerently instead of declaring herself his sex servant. Tsuki helps to show the genuine affection and regard for his well being that she holds, not to mention the repressed sexual desire.

Her bird powers also make her one of the few girls immune to Nisio's mutilation fetish.


wish my sister would declare herself my sex servant sigh


File:[Erai-raws] Monogatari Ser….jpg (353.6 KB,1920x1080)

Seems like Skeehee has a significant lead now. New season must've solidified it.


Always taken aback by the number of votes in some of the polls here, there are 31 people in kissu?!?! Always feels like there are 10 or something...


i can't believe there are only 31 kissuers in the entire world


File:[Erai-raws] Monogatari Ser….jpg (424.71 KB,1920x1080)

The record was 80+ votes for a poll about monitor/display setup made a few years ago if I'm not mistaken. 32 is a good amount for a series not everyone has watched before I guess.

Monogatari used to be really popular on /a/, but it's hard to even get a thread going at all these days. It doesn't seem to resonate with the younger generation just like Haruhi doesn't either.


File:[Chihiro] Maou no Ore ga D….jpg (280.28 KB,1920x1080)

People don't seem to talk about the adult form of the blonde vampire much, do they? Shinobu or whatever? Or is that only for her child form?


shinobu is just some vampire. Kiss-shot is the adult


Yeah, her. She should be far more popular if you ask me.

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