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File:[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatar….jpg (346.31 KB,1920x1080)


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reminder that this is SODACHI and she deserves NOTHING


File:[Thonk] Ookami to Koushinr….jpg (183.06 KB,1920x1080)

You sound like a sociopath.


don't like her simple as


File:[Thonk] Ookami to Koushinr….jpg (177.7 KB,1920x1080)

That means you're lacking in empathy and understanding towards others.


it's perfectly possible to recognize someone as pitiable and still dislike them


also quads


File:spookoug2.jpg (174.98 KB,1920x1080)

Well, I dislike your edgy kid behavior but don't see you as pitiable, so interpret it as how you want.


very weak quadsless post


File:spookoug3.jpg (102.5 KB,1920x1080)


I choose the hotel!


I like sodachi but what if i made her dumb though


I just bit this shab


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)

Grab her banana and run



I just bit this shab too


File:dde33efb8cd86d743d0be252e6….jpg (406.28 KB,1456x2048)

By the way, this Sodachi is hair-raped not because of character development unlike others, but because it's just her dere side in the mirror. The "twin tailed tsundere" archetype is meant to symbolize their dual nature (Hachikuji also has twin tails), and since she's it's just pure dere and no tsun in the mirror she loses her twin tails. They could've represented this with a ponytail as well however (she's wearing a ponytail in this pic). It wouldn't make sense for the real version of Sodachi to cut her hair since she's still tsun towards Araragi.


holy shit this show is for pseuds


File:d2318e593c03becf4f49f65841….png (194.43 KB,496x702)

This is very obvious though. How can you not guess that twin tails have to do with a tsundere's dual nature? But it's not a "character development haircut" I mean. The real Sodachi is still twin tailed; because she's still tsundere towards Araragi.


Because I don't watch pretentious shit.


Twintails are deep.


File:3c56b9dbc421915961fab1b67c….jpg (177.48 KB,915x621)

2deep4u lmao

Also, the reason her mirror version is more 'colorful' is because color is associated with positive emotions and lack of colors with negative ones. Her mirror version is happy and the real one unhappy.


asuka did NOT have twintails checkmate atheists


File:734638e8558cdf8ee3778a33d5….jpg (3.79 MB,5104x7116)

Uhh, I'm pretty sure she does. They're just not completely separated. And her red hair is meant to represent her fiery temperament.


File:C-1719431828366.png (166.02 KB,365x430)

evidence doko?


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File:0c29ed62a94568ce43b704f4a5….jpg (2.16 MB,3331x3547)

They are considered twintails: https://gelbooru.com/index.php?page=post&s=list&tags=asuka_langley_souryuu+twintails+official_art
Also, Rei having blue hair should be obvious enough; because her personality is the complete opposite of Asuka's. Fire and ice.


File:ab166c64d7ee1ed32ef9494d6….jpeg (1.4 MB,1203x1131)

if you want to double down you should look at the images you're linking to over their tags
and yes, everyone knows basic color symbolism


File:32bc13139f40bbec0cfa7f2a22….jpg (1.95 MB,2538x3497)

In this one you can see that the tails are being separated. It's just not very obvious most of the time.


confining character traits to their hairstyles is a really infantile way to create a story


File:asd.jpg (1.92 MB,2059x2262)

anonymous.......... those aren't twintails


File:516c6acb65ab296a7fa45bb349….jpg (93.96 KB,594x768)

IT's SYMBOLISM. Symbolism is cool and always welcome.

Go complain at gelbooru taggers then. There are many different type of twintails.


They're not the color of the sky or tone of lighting. A character can be built to fit an image, but in the case of anime the image is building the character


the damage monogatari has caused to you is irreparable


The definition of "symbolism" is "symbols that are used to represent something". Twintails represent a tsundere's dual nature. It's not necessary for a tsundere to have twintails. There are many that don't.


File:deep.png (24.08 KB,762x206)



File:pretentious.png (5.95 KB,245x144)


File:[MTBB] Bakemonogatari - 11….jpg (187.75 KB,1920x1080)

I'm not implying this is deep in any way though. I thought it was obvious in my head. If you can't make the association you are lacking in some brain cells.




... I don't think anyone looking at a twintailed girl goes "her two tails is representing her two personalities, tsun and dere" ...


you're simplifying terminology of character design with literature tools


File:119.png (57.41 KB,173x464)


File:[MTBB] Owarimonogatari S1 ….jpg (377.75 KB,1920x1080)

This is as obvious as color symbolism in my opinion. And it's not "two personalities", it's "two sides".


Move over folks, here you can see the official twintail classification scheme by none other than Japan's very own twintail association:
I will let the facts speak for themselves.


File:[720p Remux] Hidamari Sket….jpg (145.14 KB,1280x720)

The left tail represents her left, and the right tail represents her right... Which means... she has two sides: left and right.


File:[MTBB] Zoku Owarimonogatar….jpg (278.27 KB,1920x1080)

You're basically implying that it means nothing when a character has red hair together with a fiery temperament and it's just pure coincidence with your retardation.


sasuga nippon


Sir, I implore you to re-read this thread. You shall not find a single soul denying that red is indeed the color of fire and hot-blooded men, of courage, danger, and all that accelerates one's heartbeat. It would be the height of foolishness to contradict this widely known principle.


File:[FFF] Hidamari Sketch Sae ….jpg (540.73 KB,1280x720)

Widely known? How wide are we talking here?


And why do you think the "twintailed tsundere" archetype is popular? It means nothing in your opinion? It's not necessary for a tsundere to be twintailed just like it's not necessary for a character with a hot temperament to have red hair, but both of those things have an association with it; because they are symbols.

I'm losing some brain cells in this discussion.


File:13579382010d9359ba315cad2….jpeg (570.61 KB,1920x1080)

Wide as the horizon.
'Tis naught but folly to posit any argument henceforth.


File:1510202179062.jpg (116.5 KB,1280x720)

Welcome to the no brain club dude!!! We love not thinking!!


File:[Piyoko] Himitsu no AiPri ….jpg (150.74 KB,1920x1080)


miya thinks plenty the difference is that she exists in a state of zen and in accordance with the tao
she seeks to advance others towards illumination by highlighting their shortcomings


I just bit this shab




File:wide.jpg (326.66 KB,1920x1080)

just wid this shab



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