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File:C-1722554625899.png (121.29 KB,390x390)


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into the trash


[x] toss it into the ocean


This befits the trashcan


File:[SubsPlease] Sengoku Youko….jpg (423.15 KB,1920x1080)

I think this is the kind of container that never actually gets recycled, but is instead shipped to SEA to be disposed of after you put in the recycling thing


IIRC plastic trash doesn’t get processed usually anyways and just ends up in the garbage no matter what bin it went in, so rip the bandage off.


peanut butter is too hard to clean


i used to clean tons of stuff and put them to dry alongside the dishes and made sure it was extra clean but after i learned of >>4667 >>4668 i started only recycling the stuff that didn't need to be cleaned
voted cleaning for old times' sake


penutbutter containers are pretty thick plastic so I'm not sure, but the effort it takes to clear it makes me wonder


File:[DeerStalker] Shikanoko No….jpg (228.43 KB,1920x1080)

The story goes that back in the 70s and 80s people were raising a stink about the amount of plastic waste being produced in the US. There was talk about it and petitioning of the government and blahblah, but one important thing to know is that plastic is connected to petroleum and oil refining which means it's connected to the oil industry.
If you try to take action against the oil industry you're never going to win.
The "solution" was that after some heavy lobbying, the plastic companies said they would start recycling stuff. Did they build factories or develop new technology or anything? No, of course not. The solution was to print labels on plastic bottles without any plan or technology to actually do so, placating people into thinking something was being done. The actual labeling on bottles had no government relation or recognition.
The whole plastics recycling thing of today is an attempt by good-natured people to try and clean up the gigantic mess that the oil conglomerates made, but it's utterly impossible to do so due to a lack of funding and magical technology.


My apartment has a bunch of dumpsters for trash but only a few small cans for recycling that are always full so I've just given up on trying to recycle. I feel a little pang of guilt every time I just throw my recyclables in the trash but not much I can do about it.


When I used to gig to clean a clinic they had recycling bins everywhere but they were just there to make the staff feel good; it all went into the same dumpster.

Illusion of choice and all that.

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