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File:Machi eat.webm (193.04 KB,326x332)


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We've done polls on convenient times before, but what about times that people simply cannot show up for? This would probably help out for the future when it comes to helping people decide streams. Assume all times are EST


File:Sylphie_不愉快2.jpg (168.66 KB,853x480)

the earliest I might wake up is before 9:00 PM EST


10pm is WAY too late for me no matter the day and 8 may be too much too, depends on daylight savings
can't earlier than 6 on friday because werk


West coast + work so Friday is out of question.


Friday generally just needs to be after work hours. 10 PM slots are fine for a movie or half-cour, but full cours should be 7 at the latest, especially on Sundays.

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