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/poll/ - Polling and Honesty

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File:f87eec81ee8311f52d29864766….jpg (961.23 KB,1920x1080)


New UI only.
Tiered poll voting

Old UI users will only be given the standard 1/0 vote per submit, but others can go from 0 to 4 votes for items.


- Make polls actually start up with preset values
- New thread previews should have the tiered system in the preview
- Possible issue with the * icon not being correct
- Other issue with the search not behaving properly


It would be nice if it displayed the total number of voters somewhere.


File:R-1735985941455.jpg (83.17 KB,730x411)

please vote for shera l greenwood (dumb boobie elf)


shera is number 4, right?


File:[SubsPlease] Isekai Maou ….webm (497.58 KB,1280x720) [play once] [loop]

this shab is for a shag and nothing more


For now I'll just manually check, but it would blend standard multiple choice with weighting... I really don't want to add more graphs to the page


its color coded


File:__gotou_hitori_bocchi_the_….jpg (2.85 MB,1862x3389)

cute and funny bunny cunny is pulling ahead


Are we voting on the girls in general or the swimsuits specifically? I like Shera but her swimsuit is pretty bad.


>Swimsuit or character
That's not how these kinds of questions work


bunny cunny


File:[Serenae] Tropical-Rouge! ….jpg (176.17 KB,1280x720)

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