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File:__yuuka_blue_archive_drawn….png (23.81 MB,3304x5200)


I've never understood why so many independent creators, particularly Western ones, use the artistic freedom being an indie provides to create imitations of corporate commercial media they grew up with.

Like, it's fine if you like and are influenced by that sort of thing. What bothers me is that they don't do anything with that influence beyond emulating it. You're free to make whatever you want. Why restrict yourself to dumbed-down copies of corporate product?


>Why restrict yourself to dumbed-down copies of corporate product?
What are you referring to?... This is way too vague for to understand without any examples.


File:[SubsPlease] 16bit Sensati….jpg (379.37 KB,1920x1080)

Ehhh? Everyone on the planet does that. Heck, it's even why people say things like Japanese people are innately better at drawing 'anime' style- it's what they're surrounded with.
Although, Japan has the benefit of doujin culture so they can actually profit from it, so that's a pretty big difference

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