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File:[Chihiro] Watashi no Yuri ….jpg (260.42 KB,1920x1080)


At times I used to say that I didn't get any satisfaction out of cleaning /qa/, but in actuality I did like to post a bunch of threads at once and see all the bad ones disappear after perfectly lining them up like dominoes.


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The pleasure of killing a thread is a feeling like no other.


I don't think being identified is that bad. It can be fun at times.


It was a bit satisfying to see them die, I guess, but it's like being happy that you prevented an infection by cutting off your foot. It would have been nice to not have the infection


I show kissu posts to a coworker of mine, tell him about stuff that goes on in here. He laughes his ass off and says it's like a sitcom.


wonder what he thinks about my kissuposts


I can tell you that sexual stuff disturbs him a bit. It's one of the reasons why he stays away from imageboards.


Is he autistic


He's a programmer.


Ah, so he is.


Which u149 did he vote for?


duh... of course the sexual stuff scares people away.
The lolicon stuff repulses people.
Why do you think I make such a hard effort to try and separate this stuff so it's easy to ignore?


I'm sure you know better than I, but in 2023 I think the handful of people who use anime imageboards don't care about any of that, maybe lolicon but that's a very specific crowd.

From what I've read, some users avoid kissu because they just don't like us as users.


would you rather a hadful or a dozen. Compromises have to be made


ironic to say when probably a big turn off of kissu has been someone that annoyed some other communities with it years ago...


He didn't watch it so nothing there.
Nah, he finds futa to be much weirder. But there's way more than that, even freely posting ecchi is offputting to actually normal people. He's not part of your target demographic.


In the 2000s lolicon was considered a norm fetish and I'm sure it still is but quietly.


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Male sexuality itself is shunned these days among the enlightened crowd. It's something to hide at best, but often it's labeled as something that needs to be "fixed". Proclamations of chastity over trivial things was once the domain of the religious, but now you need to perform the dance to earn your human status by rejecting a key part of it. I loath it so much if nothing else for the sheer hypocrisy on display.
I hope your friend is able to get over his Pavlovian response to sexual stimulus as the people that trained him that way don't follow it themselves.

>From what I've read, some users avoid kissu because they just don't like us as users.
I've never seen anyone say it in a place I would want people from, so it works out for everyone


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>The lolicon stuff repulses people.
Good, I don't want them here.


the repulser


Letting my porn addiction relapse badly. Have gigs of JAV and H games downloaded. I wish hentai wasnt dogshit these days



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I have a weird view of bullying themes in media and I probably will sound like a tumblrina for this but bullying is never done right in 2D. Im not talking about the Takagi young love but it usually comes off more like either actual assault or rivalry with dramatic revenge. I guess realistic bullying would be too much of a drag for most media though manga gets it right sometimes, riyoshit in particular I think. But it bugs me! Its part of growing up and is often glossed over.

In anime, the best example's probably Nagatoro, as she lashes out because she gets picked on herself. That adds a whole different dimension to the original CGs.


But also, they never really explain why Nagatoro gets bullied other than being kind of a possesive spaz with echolalia


Also the bullying in riyo's work is a very specific kind that occurs in a peer group growing up when people are at different levels of maturity


I am the one person on earth who has no strong feelings one way or the other on JoJo


my friend is/was a big Jojo fan and I've always felt bad for him that the anime basically caused it to turn into a norm series of the worst kind.


norm encounters of the third kind


It was always a norm series - the manga started publication in WSJ, and had already sold over 60 million copies by the time the anime began.
Being elitist about liking a mainstream series just because it has yet to reach its target audience outside Japan is peak hipster behaviour.


I've been aware of it, loosely, since reading about some games based on it it in the 90s. I think it had a Beat-em-up game like Streets of Rage that I wanted to play just because I liked those games, but was never able to see it anywhere. (this was before I discovered emulation)
Then I saw it again with the WRRYYYYYYYYY flashes/m*mes before I knew what 4chan was and then I was exposed again here or there throughout the years. I've just never felt like reading or watching it. I have nothing against it, and some of the designs are cool, but it just never jumped out to me. I can definitely appreciate its influence in stuff, though


I've gotten over the whole popular amomg norms thing, most series that do so are not good and if they are, it rarely affects anything.
The only time it really gets annoying is when it gets a lot of kuso unfunny western art, like Bocchi or Guilty Gear


I hate this series not because its NTR, but because it was the first persistently cancer thread topic I can remember on /a/


i agree (not gay)


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i made many libidinous posts about bocchi on kissu while her show was airing


confessing to an open secret


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now kiss



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I discovered kissu through the drama with the webring


Which one?


the one with the soku teens


Ah, 10goo et al. Yeah, I 'member.


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I used to argue with and shitpost in threads by the discordteens, frogposters, and turds in moved "hiro approved" threads despite the overwhelming opinion being that I shouldn't. I enjoyed it.




Minus the shitposting though, I'm a srs bsns kinda guy. Just arguing.


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Cool! Getting people from different places with different experiences is a good way to increase the variety of discussion that a group can have. It's cliché, but it's true.

Yeah, I fell into that hole a few times. I was on /qa/ for a reason, I guess. Paragraphs and paragraphs of meta.


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other than the occasional xkcd/smbc comic the only place where i can find funny lang pics is leddit and it torments me so much
pic is so good it makes me want to die


I wonder what images will look like after another ten years of social media repost jpeg compression


Ironically, I avoided kissu for a while despite an otherwise good first impression because I saw people being aggressive towards lolicon stuff and didn't want to deal with that. Maybe I'm not the kind of poster you want, though.

Eh, I think some aversion to sex stuff is healthy. Imageboard permavirgins are one thing, but real life-oriented sex-havers don't typically benefit long-term from sexual openness.


>Maybe I'm not the kind of poster you want, though.


>people being aggressive towards lolicon stuff


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i used to type out the kita manually on /jp/ because i didn't know it was automatic


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It wasn't at the beginning. Can't remember how long it took, though


my first ever post on kissu got deleted


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I wish I could stop being belligerent when it comes to posting but it's really hard.
Like everyday I feel like I'm coming across as a dickhead even though I'm not and that sucks.
I don't like being belligerent.


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forgot i made this post, laughed at it again


Sometimes I wonder if v despises me and wants to permaban me but I'm kept around only because the other two mods disagree.


laughing once more
it's a reasonable thought to have


I don't know who you are, but I tend to just let them undo decisions so if I haven't told you that you're a person I dislike then you're not.


>Sometimes I wonder if v despises me and wants to permaban me but I'm kept around only because the other two mods disagree.
that's me


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literally you

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