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File:6e5b9199b75073c9f9ee3f7b53….jpg (603.32 KB,3000x3000)






File:[Serenae] Hirogaru Sky! Pr….jpg (354.56 KB,1920x1080)

I will note that you did NOT include Elle in your image or opening text, so this thread does not qualify for a sticky


i forgot to say this before so i'll say it now


boycure is dumb
do not like it



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there's always gotta be that one cure no one likes


He's a good one




he's a cute plane otaku


otaku are not cute




you're only saying that because YOU'RE not cute


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you WILL respect the digits, heathen


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anonymous is fat and filthy until proven otherwise
arguments can't be swayed by anything smaller than quads sorry


Boys cannot be cute, because that's gay and that makes you a fruity fruit homo faggot, and if you say boys are cute that makes you a boy lusting fruit.
And there aren't women on imageboards.


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tu quoque non sequitur


But I do not like boys, ergo that does not make me likewise to you.


you are indeed not like me because you have terrible taste
now post some hags how about that


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liking boys makes you a fruit, and that is not good.


what are your thoughts on tomboys
what's the essence of femininity to you


Tomboys are still females, so it isn't immoral.
But boys are gay.


feels like we're reaching a stalemate here.....


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The term you're looking for is impasse.
We're at an impasse.


that one works too

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