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File:34e8be78fed6b3d9d6aa7550dd….jpg (2.11 MB,1878x2970)

 No.28268[View All]

Going to try and keep this thread updated with my writing experiments/projects, if anyone else wants to post their writings go ahead.
560 posts and 284 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.


tried writing, didn't turn out..


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Okay let me rephrase that again.
I did write, I wrote about 500 words, not a lot but still, it feels informal, and I have to use numbers in the story instead of just abstracting it by using descriptions.


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Hikarin approves


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i need to stop overthinking shit and just go with the flow of things..


Wrote 1,200 words today, on a story I'm probably never going to work on again.


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okay so I have no idea what I should write


goddammit I'm overthinking shit again


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Fuck now I gotta torrent all my anime now
anyways still don't know what I should write


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today is birthday


Happy Birthday!


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Alright so fuck it, got a terrible idea, fuck it, uh, basically 1000:1 women to man ratio in a post-apocalypse (total societial collapse) with Andy being one of the last men on Earth oh boy wow this is gay but I wanna do it.


You know what fuck it going to run with the guy stuck with a 1000 women but goddamn is he a dipshit
Basically he keeps getting raped and it's a bitch


reverse rape reverse rape reverse rape


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basically reverse rape story, or something


started working on something yeah.


so theres this mysterious new student at magic academy and he is to be tested
first he needs to put his hand on a crystal ball. he takes it and smashes it against the ground
then he must test his knowledge. the examiner asks "what is two plus two" and he says "10 trillion"


does he get raped for this


Got this blaring, thinking about furry (anthropomorphic) writing


I am watching football, go Baltimore!
Got this story I'm slowly writing, just going to write small chapters


the baltimore oreos


Lions won, thank god



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i do not need a spreadsheet to know if a game will be woke or not
i can just run a quick check in my head on whether it's a modern game or older than 2012 as well as if it was created by Western developers or not.


thank you for supporting the urkaine


almost 1500 games how does he do it


But I don't do wokeshit?


Fuck it got an idea, thinking about trying to write 5k a day and go from there.


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5k letters? I hope you do. Trying to keep up my creative momentum lately as well so let's do our best!


Oh I mean like 5k words a day hopefully, I haven't started yet because I don't have any good projects started up yet ;_;


Have you considered starting with just stream of consciousness "automatic writing" as a kick off point?
Start walking and then find the destination.


I need to try doing that again, yeah.


Fuck flagnerds, return to traditional flags


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I am at a loss for what to write, nothing seems good.


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Still at a loss for what to write.


you know what fuck it let's just redo this again or something maybe


i would LIKE to be desentized at this point but the total absence of progress still makes me suffer


It be like that.


I can see it...


Well the Lions won, was a heavily defensive second half, kinda bullshit not going to lie.


Reread JoJo Part 1 (it's a really good part), now rereading JoJo part 2.


I got an idea, but I might forget so here's what I wrote.
Okay so how about:
Andy is contacted by the Intergalactic Games Commission Network while he is playing video games and is told that he's going to be turned into essentially a RTS-commander, fighting to gain control of planets.
Basically his body is destroyed, now he's stuck as an incorporeal thing that is stuck inside a core.
He was chosen because he is considered really good at RTS games.
He's told by the IGCN that with each battle he wins, the more planets he gains for his empire, that is disjointed and all over the galaxy/universe. Once he learns how to use FTL he can be able to truly interact with his empire instead of having to pay attention to each planet indivdually.
He has to fight battles to gain more planets. Each planet he fights on is potential property for him or the aliens he is fighting. These are his worlds to keep.
Basically he's fighting battles to gain planets, these planets are then used to build civilizations that are used to fight in these protracted battles.
It begins with him starting off with one planet, given to him by the IGCN as a freebie, and he starts off with a pool of points that he can spend on his army.
The planet he starts off with is in the stone age.
He has a limited amount of points that he can spend. He decides that he should spend points into offense and speed; and giving the stone swords and axes obsidian points.
He is sent on his first skirmish for the world. Discovers that he can take control of a single unit, takes control and ends up waiting, builds up an army of swordsmen and spearmen.
He is fighting someone that is basically a generic enemy, like nothing to write home about, no special abilities that kind of shit. Like Andy ends up winning the battle by leading and its a bloodbath because he can take control of his pawns at will, switching to different bodies as they get killed.


People who defend Nintendo (on /v/) are niggercattle, holy shit, fuck Nintendo and fuck the entire gaming industry.


bad chatbot roleplay
cc = chatbot
hh = human

cc hello i am courtney what is your name
hh jake
cc hello jake how are you today
hh im good
cc how do you feel about im good
hh i feel fine about it thanks
cc you're welcome. what do you want to talk about
hh my gf and i broke up recently
cc did you enjoy broke up recently
hh no i didn't
cc im glad that you didn't
hh i guess it was for the best
cc why do you guess
hh she was controlling and manipulative
cc are you controlling and manipulative
hh not really no
cc does not really no concern you
hh i know im the better half but this was too much
cc do you like being the better half
hh tbh yeah. maybe i was exaggerating how bad my gf was
cc it seems you enjoy how bad my gf
hh i might have to reflect on that
cc it is good that you reflect on that
hh yeah i should try looking for her good parts
cc her good parts
hh she def has those. anyway thanks you've been helpful
cc how do you feel about thanks you've been helpful
hh bye


anyways so basically I think I got somethign working


got to part 4, I think I'm on the second half, Cinderella got blown the fuck out


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started work on a project

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