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File:RDT_20240801_2342123574381….jpg (45.51 KB,945x945)



>>>/jp/78948 keeps forgetting to attach his minion pics


this minion AI stuff is somehow related to wojak spam so I'm liable to delete it if it appears outside of /secret/


related how? related IPs? Because as a one off image for gooning it's funny.


It's very popular with the soyteens as this form of absurd humor to post against anime, trooners, or whatever else they associate with it. If you want to read a bit more about it there's this:


I just remember it popping up when I see wojak spam here or elsewhere, not really sure what the connection is and don't really care to read up on it


nice now i think you should be yourself


this is good advice


File:C-1723151087383.png (70.9 KB,354x412)

the /secret/ shirt

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