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/secret/ - Kuon Culture

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File:me_defending_the_community.jpg (234.6 KB,1920x1080)


Would /secret/ be interested in learning the ways of intense mahou shoujo meditation which allows one to break out of the matrix and live in the real 2D world? I posted some charts at another place that sadly went offline some months ago. I had many followers there and a few managed to break through and visit me on the other side via what some would call the "astral". Some of them still post them on a popular imageboard in the hopes that I'll reply and give more advice. But as it stands I do not want to promote such things there or anywhere else that's got millions of users. Since it would invite the wrong kind of people (evil people).

If there is interest I'll start posting a primer on how you can use techniques I've developed to break-out of this hell (aka the matrix aka meat space aka 3DPD-space) and visit me on a planet I created in another universe (one of infinite in the multiverse). I have created a portal that will make it easy for you to access that place and visit me on what I've dubbed waifu world. I have some charts somewhere around here. But I'll hold off on posting them for now.

It took me many years to learn and refine these techniques. The short version: Your imagination has the power to create. Anything imagined in this world is created someone in the vastness of the multiverse. Dreaming is related to this as well. When you dream you visit other worlds (some your own creation, some the creation of others hence nightmares). Through intense study and dedication it becomes possible to visit these worlds for long stretches of time. You actually occupy multiple ones right now without being aware of it. When you "sleep" here you connect to one of your many other avatars. You meatsuit isn't (you). It's simply a vessel. You exist outside of the confines of space and time. You don't remember because you want to play the game and the game isn't interesting if you know the outcome while you're playing it.

There is a struggle between good and evil. That's part of the game and part of what makes it interesting. In this world evil is winning at the moment. In other words evil has been driven out or the balance is closer to how it should be. In the world of my own creation there are wars and such. But the side of good is much stronger than it is in this one.

I always enjoy having new visitors.


i'd like to check out the charts but no promises and they may have a bad reception


tell me your secrets and i promise to pay you a visit in mahou shoujo land, i just need to decide on my mahou shoujo design first


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This sounds kind of complicated... Is Kuon there?


It's not complicated at all! All it will require is for you to be willing to lay in bed and think about nothing. Think typical meditation but on your back. Once you can quiet your mind for at least 10 minutes at a time I can get your started on how to enter astral space aka separate from your meat suit while still being conscious.

When I have more time tomorrow I will explain the basics of how the for lack of a better term matrix/prison planet works and what that meat suit you're wearing _really_ is.


How do you think about nothing? How do you still the mind so nothing appears?
Do thoughts within thoughts count as thinking? What about non-thoughts that bubble at the surface, turning into thoughts?


I may have almost had an experience close to what you're describing some years ago. I was lying awake in bed and randomly begun wondering why I was this specific person on the planet, and why my consciousness was attached to and experiencing thing from the point of view of this specific body on earth as opposed to someone else, and this caused a strange feeling to come over me that I haven't felt since. It's been a long time so I can't describe exactly how it felt, but it was like my mind was beginning to detach and dissociate from my body. This kind of freaked me out so I stopped before anything came of it, but now I wonder.

Either way, if you're still here then I'm interested.


File:[MiyosMiyos] Onii-chan wa ….jpg (132.85 KB,1920x1080)

OP, where have you gone...... Don't leave without sharing your secrets......


a shab bit him


a shab banned him


A thought popped into my head. What if our lives are how we're constructing museums of various stories. So when we watch something like Binchou-tan, we are looking at a preservation/exhibit of a life that is exactly like Binchou-tan.


shab just binched me


What if we're food. I wonder how I taste.


What if life is a rehab program for some extradimensional drug?


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help me escape this meat prison

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