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File:Screenshot from 2024-08-18….png (1.14 MB,1294x849)


Can a nigga get some gnosis?




niggas really be trying to break the mortal shell in this bitch of a kali yuga huh.


Sadly, it's just the same century-old New Age drivel about manifesting your way to entrepeneurial success with a coat of thug paint over it. It's interesting how the previous videos from his first nine months were much shorter and clearly took a lot more time to put together but weren't terribly popular, while his switch to the simplicity of a whiteboard and a based black man telling you how it is turned out to be infinitely more popular. He's got the looks and enough speaking skills to carry his lectures, and frankly it's fun to hear him say offhanded stuff like how you gotta "train like a Hashira" or this gold nugget:
>whoda eva thought they'd be gettin taught metaphysics by some black kid inna wifebeata anna chain
>oh man, I definitely don't fit the spiritual aesthetic but it's just mad corny innit, and they ain't got no drip
>and who don't wanna eat meat no diddy
It's a shame, he's another snake oil salesman offering courses to quadruple your earnings through the same kind of teachings that The Secret was giving out a couple decades ago. In his site there's a part where he explicitly mentions Neville Goddard and Napoleon Hill, whose The Law of Success in 16 Lessons would appear to serve as an inspiration for pic. His channel vaguely feels like a gimmick isekai.


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the secret is in the melanin


>calcified pineal glands
So that's what the fluoride is for... so the Vatican can keep you down. They really are behind everything.
This man and his denser substantia nigra has helped me push forward in my quest towards learning about God, finance, and Nikola Tesla.


keep them cum


with youtube comments like these you don't need anything else to get angry with...


i'm gonna leave my trash in here




Excuse you, this is the ESOTERIC trash thread.


Can we talk about the state of creepypastas and the redditifaction of ite?




Why doesn't he tie his hair back?


The mold demands it.


Redditification in what way? Because back in the day there were tons of literal teens writing about Jeff the killer of Slenderman and spooky youtubers making videos about it, or do you mean stuff like the more recent complaints about SCP?


>Because back in the day there were tons of literal teens writing about Jeff the killer of Slenderman and spooky youtubers making videos about it
Those are what I want to retvrn to, not this updoot nosleep bullshit that is about shit that might've happened.


'Pasta has fallen, we must retvrn to screaming-filled let's plays and Facebook posts badly copied from /x/. Original short stories are DEGENERATE.


File:[SubsPlease] Megami no Caf….jpg (150.92 KB,1920x1080)

I know you guys love your wojak rage comics but I still have zero tolerance for them even on /secret/ and I won't budge from this EVER


You know what, fair.


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I wouldn't have it any other way. Kill 'em all!


Negator ability "Unbudge"


hi non


Also fuck ARGs that shit is boring as hell.


And another thing, fuck "analog horror" the fuck is this zoomie zoom bullshit?


its VHS distortion effects except instead of on 4:3 camcorder viddies its on 9:16 60fps vertical phone ones


it's dumb that's what it is, ARG and analog horror are dumb and kimoi


ooOOooOOo i just found a SPOOKY cursed tome and if you read it you will DIE from its ancient forgotten secrets
i also found a tape but have no way to play it that's a shame into the trash it goes


File:Screenshot 2024-09-11 at 0….png (203.5 KB,462x380)

I actually subscribe to this idea to a degree. Although it isn't that they're rich and that's why the divine interacts more with them, it's just that they are usually effective people who are well developed and live with purpose so of course a god would work their will through them instead of some nobody distracted by porn and and the daily grind.


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Well, no, his idea is literally the former. That having more money brings you closer to God, through the energy and emotional power it embodies. "Money is spiritual," as he says. Piety and virtue aren't what'll get closer to God, it's hard cash. There's no nobility in humility and you need to drop that "guilt-money complex" so your enjoyment of spending will further elevate your state of consciousness. Hard work is what animals do, if your mind is submerged in spiritual poverty all the work in the world won't do a thing. You need to KNOW that you are already rich, then your work will be on the right track.
It is disgustingly decadent. This isn't cleansing your karma or salvation through works, it barely has anything in common with most New Age stuff at this point, it's the most corrupted shit that endless forms of religion have universally dunked on. Even pro-capitalism people may tell you that this level of sanctified greed is bad. Plain terrible.


I am manifesting that kissu will get some bitches on this imageboard


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why is pedobear in the background


rorschach test


can you please shut this website down already


gayest post on the site and that's saying a lot


Hey, I'm not the posting furry grooming memes


andy i swear to god if this is you


I'm 2000% certain >>33838 didn't know that it's a furry dogwhistle for trying to fuck young boys.


alright prove it


Basically its a d*scord meme that furries use.
Lot of them trying to molest kids out there man.
I'm not saying >>33838 is one of them, I'm just saying that it ain't a good look.


tell me again.. are dogwhistles good or bad ?




you seem awfully knowledgeable about furries' kiddie fiddling habits


no proof


It just seems like regular low quality gender war internet stuff to me
the style does seem to fit social media more than something drawn out of love of art or fun, but that's also quite normal albeit undesirable


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it's a variant of a dumb homo meme that >>33869's single neuron interpreted as indoctrination material

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