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Damn, that's crazy. Need all my rightwing bros to take up this once in a lifetime offer and escape their falling country! Especially before November because who knows how bad things will be by then!


That is for dissident asylum seekers, typical misrepresentation of a BRICS country


Damn, so you can't just declare yourself escaping the woke agenda and get a free ride to the trenches...


>I live in a major US city in a place where it tends to be very hot 'round the clock in summertime. Like many city-dwellers, I did not have a very positive impression of pigeons, what with all of the pooping and half-ass nest building mess. One night, though, during a nasty heat wave (we're talking over 100F even at midnight), I went through an area at my workplace where there was a pigeon nest on top of a block wall, under the edge of a roof. Both parents were present, but one of them was perched on the roof edge while the other was hanging onto the edge of the block wall, vigorously flapping its wings. After a good five minutes, they traded places, and the flapping started up again from the one now hanging on the block wall. I suddenly realized that they were taking turns fanning the chicks, trying to keep them cool despite temperatures that can, and have, killed adult humans. I went inside, got a cup of water, and left it near the wall for them; after I walked a few feet away, the resting parent flew down to drink, then took up fan position while the other went to drink. (A few hours later, I found that one of my coworkers--an older lady who rarely had much of a kind word or gentle demeanor for anybody--had brought out the little battery-powered fan from her desk and clamped it to the roof edge a short distance from the nest, and both parents were taking a break and preening each other.) I've had a different view of pigeons ever since that incident. That kind of parental devotion deserves some recognition.


screw russia
i'm moving to cunnyda instead

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