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File:bd65754eb8.png (11.6 KB,1357x99)


This dude's played one too many eroge



the reporter's PFP is from the eroge


i don't understand why someone who enjoys something enough to make it their pic would also go ahead and report it to the internet police
really weird sort of dissonance
also lmaoing at the guy who argues "it has gay sex but it's gay sex aimed at ME ergo not true lgbt"


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Their brains have turned to mush and they're no longer able to function as human beings without a steady inflow of politics into their life to keep them going. It's an addiction that's turned terminal, there is no going back, the only cure is death.


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it's owari da...........


the only cure is imouto lolisex


It's really funny to see the complete paradigm shift to where people complaining about game censorship have become so obsessed with anything outside the norm that they've probably warped around to being pro censorship just of things they don't like.


the entirety of futa is now BANNED for being gay, the people have spoken and the debate is settled


to be fair to him, the 2 guys i've known that have expressed extreme preference for futa both trooned out


they wanted to become the big dick girl


that post is too kuso even for /secret/


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Oh now I see it was in relation to someone else that used that word... sigh
Maybe it should be filtered, although if people feel that the atmosphere is compromised enough that they feel confident using it then I guess I should be more direct:
Don't bring the SA/kiwifarm/wojak culture war oon/oom words to kissu, eve on /secret/. This is a thread about fictional stuff and it should remain that way. That two different people felt confident using it indicates a culture shift and that's not one I'm going to support.


should have used the mahou shoujo meditation method


Unfortunately, "troon" the right word for it.
"transitioned" is too euphemistic for the sort of societal rebirth and recategorization that such an act entails. "transform" might be a better word but that too doesn't carry a harsh enough connotation and it has the disadvantage of being longer than "troon".
"cut his dick off" is too many words and also neither of the guys I am talking about did that to my knowledge.
"futa-narized" or maybe some japanese equivalent may be appropriate given this context.


He's probably doing this ironically.


>"futa-narized" or maybe some japanese equivalent may be appropriate given this context.
I'd rather kill myself than have futa besmirched like that.


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There are a lot of things on this list that are like, just because it's mentioned a lot on imageboards, or it's japanese, then it can't have messages that are liberal. Even though deus ex is a game that presents a lot of different viewpoints and Ace Combat 7 is about defeating a crumbling monarchy and a corrupt democratic state.

It's like they see the clips about how Deus Ex mentions real-life conspiracies but misses the promotion of a multi-cultural future. And Ace Combat 7 has the Belkans which look like Jewish cabal masterminds, but the stories promote an idea of anarchism and the elimination of borders

yeah, the OP is trolling.


I don't see how Ace Combat 7 could be called 'woke' we seem to remember it differently from each other, I don't remember anything about anarchism or elimination of borders. Though even by your recollection of it, it's still not 'woke'.


I guess maybe more of an AC3, Zero and 5 thing but the plot of Ace Combat always revolves around the idea of a monarchy being intermixed with a corporation that launches war against a concept of America. What follows is the idea that the war only exists because of the sins of the past and that everyone would unify if they forgot it.

The woke part tends to be how the plots get resolved as people realize that national differences don't exist and that if two sides weren't being manipulated then world peace would be obtained. 7 makes the manipulators into more of a side that is just trying to follow the idea of their culture and by giving it up the world is saved


But I suppose 7 also shows how a monarchy uniting multiple people of different ethnicities collapses when plot things go heywire. Yet ultimately the plot tries to say that she wasn't wrong


I only played AC 7 so I don't know about the others and we still seem to remember 7 differently and I still don't think your recollection of it is 'woke'.


I'm not sure what woke even means. No one does


its black person speak


True. In my mind at least it refers to gender, sexual orientation and racial diversity, though regarding racial diversity it can be complex I think. I think it's more about how that is done.

Ohh yeah, and women too, I think having women be protagonists or having women be better than men is seen as "woke" as well.


File:bc351f2014b28110ff78f84329….jpg (97.43 KB,600x806)

>Don't bring the SA/kiwifarm/wojak culture war oon/oom words to kissu, eve on /secret/.

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